Coffee Shop AU-Fugh

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If Fiona had known that when she took the job of being a barista at a small coffee shop that there would be an incredibly annoying customer with a bee obsession, she would have probably run the other direction.

However, Fiona had not known, so here she sat waiting for him to finalize his order. He looked up from his little notebook paper and gave Fiona a little smile. "One iced, Ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, poured, not shaken. And one black coffee."

Fiona felt her eyebrows raise without her even needing to tell them to. "Coming right up, under the name of...?" she never got his right name. He always gave her some stupid one that was pretty much never his name.

"Mr. Bee Man for the Iced, and Millard for the black." Fiona, though she tried her damndest not to, allowed a small smile. 

"Is that your name? Millard Bee Man?"

"That's Doctor to you," he grinned. Fiona made a show of fake realization as she poured his weird as frick drink order.

"Doctor? Oh who would've known, between the mad scientist goggle and the obsession with bees?" Fiona sent a small mental thanks to Emma, seeing as at a normal coffee shop, Fiona would have been fired long ago. But since Fiona was in need of a job, and a close friend, Emma would never dare to fire her. 

Bee Man just grinned again, his smile incredibly infuriating. "And besides, my name isn't Millard. He's my friend over in the corner there," he gestured to a table in the back, where a nicely dressed guy sat, talking with Lillie, another close friend of Fiona's. (Lillie was, surprisingly, one of the best people to hang out with, especially when it was one of those 'mute' days. The two just sat next to each other, doing nothing as Lillie talked on and on.) "He's a bit of a pain, if I'm going to be honest."

"And you aren't?" Fiona found herself shooting back. She was halfway done with his drink. "Incredibly bold words coming from someone who won't even give me his first name."

"And yet you still make my drinks for me," he sighed, shaking his head. "I suppose you'll never really know my name."

"You know, I could just ask Lillie." Fiona looked over her shoulder, where the patron was now holding his face on one of his hands and staring at her. Once he realized she'd caught him, he cleared his throat and looked away. Fiona looked back at the drink.

"But that wouldn't be as fun," he groaned. "Now, if you gave me your number...that would be a fun way to get my name."

Fiona just barely managed to not let out a groan of her own. Somehow they always ended up here. "Well, too bad, seeing as I'm not supposed to give my phone to strangers. So I guess we're at a stalemate here." The godforaken drink was finally done, and she quickly poured a black coffee as well. "Here's your drinks. Buh-bye."

"Until we meet again," he grinned. 

"I just don't understand," Horace groaned about thirty minutes later, once his shift had started. "Why does he have to sit so close to me?" The boy Horace was talking about was some guy from one of his college courses, who had a rather emo/gothy (Fiona could never truly tell the difference,) vibe and rode a skateboard around. Normally, Fiona wouldn't pay a guy like that any attention, but when one of your best friends/co workers was complaining about him nonstop...Well, suffice it to say, she did pay him attention when he came into the shop.

"In class or here?" Fiona asked, already knowing the answer. Horace was a disaster and would always need to vent these kind of feelings.

"Both! And I normally wouldn't go for these kind of guys, but here we are! Horace Sommurson, fashion icon, falls in love with absolute disaster boy who can't even do his makeup right!" Fiona allowed herself a giggle as she crouched below the counter to grab more coffee cups. "Don't you laugh at my pain, Fee, it's horrible!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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