"The media knows" Caleb spoke, "Actually,  the whole city knows by now. I made sure of that last night. And as far as I know, there's a whole bunch of reporters outside, waiting to congratulate us"

"What?" I was shocked, "You told them? But why? And like this?"

"So that we can make a good appearance in front of them" Caleb said while walking, still holding my hand.

"But you hate making public appearances, and they will also ask questions. We haven't decided on the answers yet!" Since Caleb didn't answer back, I stopped mid-track, "Caleb, we need a plan. And we need to avoid them for the time being"

"No need" Caleb pulled me to follow him again, "I have a plan. You just stay quiet, that'll do"

We quietly walked towards the gate, and I could see that outside, a large mob of reporters and cameramen were squinting their eyes to see the newly-wed couple who came back from their one-day honeymoon. Yak!

"Hey, wear this" Caleb put a sunglass over my eyes, "The flashes will be too much for those pretty eyes"

He stood infront of me, facing me, and tried to fix my already perfected scarf and coat. I knew he was doing this to buy time and make the reporters have our cozy photos through the glass. Oh, he was evil! 

To say I was overwhelmed by them, would be an understatement. I was really nervous to face them and felt too hot in this cold weather. Caleb may have realized that and rubbed both my arms to comfort me. I didn't flinch this time, but tried to glare through the dark shades, "What are you doing?" I muttered fake-smiling.

"Making my wife comfortable" He winked at me, "You remember what I told you last night, don't you?"

Flashes of his lips on mine was the only thing that came to my mind, and I blushed. I bit my lower lip as his grin widened, "Oh, Bella..." His gray eyes darkened as I looked away.

"Pity that it's the airport and not our bedroom" He hissed moving his lips to my ear.

I blushed again but tried to make it go away. Clearing my throat, I asked, "What about last night?"

"I told you, I'll make you mine, body and soul..." Caleb murmured again as I stopped him.

"So?" I put up a blank face.

"So.." Caleb's sly smirk lit up his face again, "Let the game begin, Mrs. Ryder"
He winked at me, before covering his eyes with a similar kind of shades and pulling me out of the gate towards the mob of reporters.

Ten minutes of uncountable clicks and ear-deafening blabbers later, Caleb put up his hand authoritvely towards the media, outside NYC airport.

I Hate You, Mr. Billionaire (IKMP Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now