Visit with the Goblins

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After taking a warm bath and making himself look somehow presentable he went down noticing the man waiting for him and two other auror's. "Hello Mr, Potter My name is Brown and I'm the current Head Auror. I would like you statement of what happen at the Battle, who was involved in which side from your knowledge. As well as what you think we should do with the remaining Malfoy family, Severus Snape and some Slytherin students." Sitting down and taking a cup of tea Harry nodded back "nice to meet you. As for the people, well ask the students under truth serum why they were involved if because of blackmail, fear or family pressure give them some social work where they should help for some amount of time. Severus Snape should receive an order of Merlin first class for his sacrifices, spaying for nearly 20 years wasn't easy, training me and keeping me alive even more so. Narcissa couldn't do a think because of the marriage contract and she lied to Voldemort telling him I was dead, Draco was working with me since sixth year, they should be free. As for the statement well...." and so for the next hour and half Harry explained what he remembers, demanding a special secrecy vow on the knowledge about the Horcruxes so nobody could talk about it and not mentioning himself being one. After sign the statement and reviving good wishes the ministry workers departed.

For the next two weeks Harry was just staying at Grimmlaud relaxing and sleeping sometimes reading an interesting book, sometimes talking with the people who were staying there as well. After these two boring and relaxing but not nightmare free weeks he finally decided to do some shopping and a visit to Gringotts with an apology.

Going into Gringotts he noticed the looks the goblins were giving him but was a bit surprised seeing respect there. Arriving at a free teller he waited until the goblin asked about his business there, reading these books in the black library were really beneficial. Asking to meet with the king was unnerving but after a 15 min. wait a guard escorted him to a meeting room a bit father then the accounts managers.
You could tell right away that this goblin was special, he was older then most but he had the aura of someone important but not less dangerous. Bowing low he softly began "well met king Ragnarok. I'm Hadrian James Nigel Potter-Black and come to officially apologize for my break in and the damage it has done." waiting for response he noticed the king judging him. King Ragnarok was indeed judging the human before him, of course he heard about him but rumors were often false, just like most about this human were not covering up with what he saw. The human showed them respect, there was no disgust or distaste, he was sincere in his apology but there was something else about him, this human was a strange one. "Well met Mr.Potter-Black. I accept your apology after finding out why you needed to do what you did. This thing could have broke serval treaty's if we were the ones to discover it. But tell me Mr.Potter-Black why did you come apologize in person and why are you treating us with respect, when most wizards don't?" The king was looking at him with a curious glint in his eyes and Harry answered with a confused face "isn't it the right thing to do? I broke into your bank and stole your dragon it's only right for me to make the apology in person not doing so would be cowards ways and disrespectful, also why wouldn't I respect you? Aren't you a magical race? Living feeling beings? And responsible for my vaults? I have a werewolf for a honorary godfather, a half giant and a house elf for friends." The king started to chuckle together with a few other goblins, this human truly was different a house elf for a friend, well maybe he could be made a goblins friend. "Well Mr. Potter-Black in that case I name you a Goblin friend as well, may our relationship blossom" Harry was shocked but put himself quick together and bowed slightly "thank you your majesty. I'm honored and if there is something the goblin nations needs help with I'm at service. I also brought a few things that are rightfully yours." With this he took his expended pouch and took out all the goblin made daggers, swords, shields and jewelry he found in Grimmlaud and the Gryffindor sword. He took all but a few ritual daggers and rings and pedants, Sirius said he didn't need them and Mrs. Weasley wanted to throw them away, lucky he told Kreacher to hide them. The goblins were stunned the king walked towards him and tilt his head "are your aware of what you are doing? These are worth a fortune and are the best. You are one of the few that brings them back to us." Harry nodded "please call me Harry, your majesty. I know they are worth much but money doesn't mean anything to me. And they are your nations they should be returned." King Ragnarok gestured to take away the goods and clapped Harry on his back laughing. "You Harry are a strange human but that showed I made a good decision naming you a goblin friend. Here take one piece with our crest as a symbol of our friendship." Showing him a trade with a pedant, ring, earring, armband, all silver with the Goblins Crest in a deep gold and silver. Harry took the earring for his right ear. It was hanging from his ear glinting when the light hit it. Now he needs a stud for his left ear. "Now go with Griphook he has much to tell you, may you gold flow and magic be strong Har-ry" the goblin king chuckled walking away. Harry responded with a similar farewell and was now following Griphook to his office with the letters Potter, the office was not big but elegant, only necessary furniture in the room all in dark colors. On the desk a stack of papers and a few thick folders. Sitting in front he waited for Griphook to sort everything out.

"Harry I would like to do the inheritance, ability and the influence tests with you and then speak about you assets. It that acceptable?" Harry nodded and took the dagger that was presented to him. Griphook spoke again " for the first parchment the inheritance 7drops, second and third only 3."
Doing as being told Harry observes curious how the parchment all glowed different colors and writing appeared.

Inheritance test:

Name: Hadrian James Nigel Potter-Black
Birth: 31st July 1980
Blood-Status: Half-blood
Father: James Charles Potter (deceased)
Mother: Lily Ella Potter neè Evans (deceased)
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black (blood-adopted father, alive)
Godmother: Alice Longbottom (unavailable)


Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House Potter
Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House Black
Goblin Friend
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House Slytherin (by conquest)


Potter family
Black family (only with Lords contest)
Black Heir
Slytherin family


1/2 of Hogwarts
Potter Manor (unplottable)
Godric Hollow (momentum)
Potter cottage Romania
Potter house Switzerland
Potter island
Black heir cottage France
Slytherin castle

Marriage contract between Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley signed by A.P.W.B.D and M.C.W

The Slytherin line was a bit surprising as was the marriage contract and he didn't know what to immediately do with it. He took the next test.

Abilities test:

Air affinity
Gray core
Animalis lingua

Magical Core: 1200 Skale

Deciding to ask about the abilities before looking at the last test he turned towards Griphook "animal language? 1200 Skale what does that mean?" Here Griphook looks stunned and made some note before telling me rather slowly, "well the anima language is something like the Parselmouth, you need to be born with it and you will be able to understand every animal in the world but not magical races, these language like ours or mermish you would need to learn. Now as for the magical core, we can measure how powerful a wizard is the Skale goes as follows 5-50 squib, 51-200 under average, 201-470 average, 471-700 above average, 701-900 mage status, 900- high mage, the last one was only five times in history including Merlin and Morgana, the four founders were all mages, I advice to keep that one quiet." Now it was Harry's turn to look stunned he was as powerful as Merlin, that fact didn't quiet reach him yet. Taking the last parchment and starting reading it he needed to wrestle with his magic to not lose control.

Influence test:

Compulsion by A.P.W.B.D
Loyalty potion by A.P.W.B.D
Distraction Charm by R.B.W
Hate Potion by A.P.W.B.D
Magical core biding 60% (removed) by A.P.W.B.D
Animalis lingua blocked by A.P.W.B.D

Taking breath's of air to calm down he needed a few minutes to think.

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