Chapter 19 ✔️

Start from the beginning

" What about now?" Mason whines again.

I feel my eye twitch in annoyance. He's acting like a child. No, worse than a child.

" Mason for the love of-"

" Now-now children behave." Tyler speaks up for the first time since the trip started.

Mason is the child. I'm doing perfectly fine here on my own. He's the one being irritating. It's not my fault if my fist accidentally becomes familiar with his face today. I blame it on reflexes.

I puff out in annoyance as Mason mumbles something. Okay now I see it. We are kind of acting like children.

After that not a word is muttered and soon enough we turn into the entrance of what I assume is a farm. If a chicken is going to chase me tonight I might lay an egg myself. I don't like chickens. Maybe that's why I don't like Mason, his face reminds me a little bit of a chicken.

Or you just don't like him my conscience adds.

"Do we have everything?" Tyler asks as we finish unloading the car.

" I think so." I shrug as I look down at the various items placed on the floor. From towels to coolers to sunscreen. We came prepared. Apparently there is going to be a foam party in the middle of the event. Glad I have my bikini on underneath.

" Party!" I hear Emily yell as they drive into the parking space next to Tyler's car.

The four of them climb out as another car pulls up next to Emily's car. Out climbs Zac, Jackson and Parker. Everyone is here except Gabby, of course. Emily would throw a fit if someone invited her to tag along. I don't think anyone wants her here. I know I don't.

" Lets go!" Emily shrieks as everyone grabs things to carry with them.

Emily runs forward and Ashton is short on her tail. I still pray for that guy. How the hell is he still coping with Emily?

Once we reach the main gate they scan our tickets and let us through. We find a place to set up and soon enough everyone scatters around in different directions. There is already music playing on the makeshift stage but the big artists are performing later on.

It's just about noon so the sun is already baking on my skin. I need to savor these last few sunny days before the winter drains all the color from my body. I like summer more than winter. There is just so much more one can do in the summer. I know cuddles and hot choclate seem like heaven in winter but honstley the weather makes me depressed.

" Want to get a drink?" Tyler asks from behind me.

Don't mind if I do.


" Best day ever!" Emily yells as she jumps along with the music.

I take another sip from my vodka and cranberry before jumping along. I try and hold my balance but the music and alcohol are doing something to me.

We are covered in foam from all the bubbles. I seem to have lost my shirt somewhere but I don't care because I have my bikini on. I can dance like this the whole night long. Emily is also without a shirt but with Asthon so close by she might as well be wearing a shirt. I'm third wheeling like bad right now seeing as I don't know where the others disappeared off to. But who cares? My vodka is my plus one.

I watch as Ashton pulls off his shirt and basically forces Emily into it. She stumbles around, most likely due to the alcohol, and falls onto her behind. Once she realizes that she fell in the middle of a crowd she burst out laughing. Seeing her laugh makes me almost spit out my drink and laugh with her. In a matter of seconds I end up next to her as we laugh our sanity away and we don't even know why.

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