"We can't just have the baby in the lobby that's not how this is supposed to happen!" the husband insisted.

"Roger, this is pretty much how it's happened for all of human history," the woman gasped out.

"Hi, I'm Hen and this is Mari. What's your name?"

"Sonya. Thirty-nine weeks pregnant. Thirty-eight years old. Which makes me a geriatric pregnancy. God I hate that word."

"Who cares about the word?" Mari assured her. "You're going to get a baby out of this either way."

"I can't believe I'm finally gonna meet him! Here...in the lobby."

"That's alright, you're doing great," Hen said soothingly. Mariana moved around Sonya's head, being ready to keep an eye on her vitals.

"On this next contraction, we're going to push, okay?"

Sonya fell quiet and Mariana quickly tapped her on the cheek. "Sonya, what's wrong?"

"There's something wrong...with the baby."

"Nonono! Everything's fine with the baby," Hen said. "You'll be able to see for yourself in just a minute!"

"No! This was a mistake. All of it! Roger was right to panic. Look, we can't do this! I can't do this. I shouldn't have this child!"

"Sonya!" Mariana exclaimed. "You can do this! You can handle this! And when that baby is in your arms, you will know just how right you were. All you gotta do is push. Push and you will be able to see just how right you were."

Sonya relaxed and nodded. Hen started to coach her through the contractions and when to push and soon, the baby joined them in the world. Mariana grinned as the baby's cry reached their ears. Sonya let her head fall back onto her lap and Mariana quickly supported her neck and head. The latina tore her eyes away from the new mother and froze.

"Hen, switch with me," Mariana barked.

"Hen, Hen. Give me the baby," Buck called. Mariana gently set Sonya's head onto the ground and rushed to kneel at her legs.

"Blood pressure went off a cliff," Eddie announced.

"Sonya, can you hear me?" Hen gasped out.

Mariana raised her head from where she was examining Sonya and shook her head. "I need her on the rig now. She's PPH and my Pitocin is in the back. Hen, start compressions. I need that gurney!"

Bobby affirmed her orders and waved the stretcher in. Mariana pointed at her bag and Eddie nodded to indicate he had it. The dark haired woman rushed out to the ambulance to prep the drugs while Hen and Bobby transported Sonya to her.

"Hen, you're with Mari. We're taking the father and baby with us in the truck," Bobby ordered as they lifted Sonya into the truck. Mariana wordlessly nodded but focused on the vial in her hand and the syringe in the other.

"Hen, start a saline line and O2 before you begin compressions. She's having uterine atony." Glancing back at Bobby and Eddie, the younger woman shouted out one more order before they shut the door. "Call Leslie and tell her it's a bleeder."

They slammed the door shut and the truck sped out of the parking lot. Mariana injected the Pitocin into Sonya's arm just as Hen set up the nasal cannula. There was still no pulse as Hen started compressions and Mariana swore.

"She's hypoxic. Pulmonary embolism from a clot. Hypovolemic shock. Hen, I need to take over."

Hen moved aside and Mariana quickly straddled the gurney, beginning another round of compressions. Her heart was racing as she began calling out orders to Hen.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now