+~Chapter Two: Finding Him~+

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Everything went quiet except for my mom crying and a few officers on their radios. I look down, blaming myself for losing my brother, only to remember that Shark must have been bleeding when they took him since we heard a gunshot. I stand up and run to the doors but two officers stop me. "Sorry, kid, but we can't let you inside. It's a crime scene." I sigh at this. "I'd completely agree, sirs, if it wasn't for the fact that I might be able to find my baby brother." They look at each other, nod, and one runs to their captain while the other watches me. 

About three minutes later, the officer comes back over and lets me in. I run straight towards the spot that Shark was taken at, not realizing that people are right behind me. I stop right at the spot and crouch down. I see the pool of blood and then stand up look around. Just as I thought, there's a trail of blood. I start to follow it as it leads just about everywhere in the school which...kinda confuses me until I realize that these people, the intruders, came in and didn't have a planned exit. Either that or they couldn't remember their entrance. I keep following it until it reaches a dead end. There's not a window around and the doors are locked. I hear a whimper from above me and then rushed whisper-yelling, telling someone to shut up. 

I recognize the whimper. It's Shark- he only whimpers like that when he's either in pain or crying and in this case, I wouldn't be shocked if it was both. I slowly walk away, back to where Shark was hit originally. 

Once there, I see the original blood splatter pattern and a pool from where Shark fell to the floor, bleeding, after the shot. The pool of blood is dragged out at two parts, but I believe that this is because someone picked him up as the trail starts as drips. Eventually, the trail had a splatter, which signifies that either someone was injured again or they dropped Shark. If they dropped him, that would explain why the trail became one huge blood smear. 

This then makes me think- if all of this is purely Shark's blood, my baby brother might not have much time. It doesn't purely mean this is all of Shark's blood but he was shot in the gut. I realize that I need to probably update the police since I'm just a seventeen-year-old boy with no weapons and back-up that's purely trained on the justice system that as of late in certain areas hasn't been doing their jobs. I can't rely on the justice system unless I can trust the cops in my area. Of course, when it comes down to it, I don't have a weapon but I have gun training. If I see the need to use a gun but don't have one, I will not rely on stealing a weapon from an officer unless they are either incapacitated or frozen from fear. 

I run out to the chief. "What is it, kid?" He acts as if I'm a thirteen-year-old, trying to lead the investigation from a lollipop. "I found out some things. First, you should know that my brother is injured with a shot wound to the stomach. Second, if the blood inside is all his then-" "All his? What do you mean?" He asks me this, cutting me off. "If you'd've let me finished- There's a splatter along the path of blood, signifying either they dropped Shark or someone was hurt along the way. If it's purely Shark's blood, he doesn't have long. There's way too much blood inside for any human to survive. However, Shark is tough. Third, the blood trail leads to a dead-end where there are no windows and the only door there is locked due to the lockdown. Now, I have reasons to believe they are in the school's attic as I heard voices from above me at the dead-end."

"What're you saying, Sabre?" My mom pops into the conversation. "Mom, if they are in the attic then..." She looks scared- terrified in fact. In her mind, it must be insane. She has two kids and only two kids. One of which is kidnapped and the other is trying to find his brother, desperately. "Kid, what're you saying?" The chief basically screams in my face. 

I go over the facts again. Shark is bleeding out, slowly. The captors that took him are adult men, three in the very least. Shark isn't heavy so the one that picked him up must have a bad arm. Every second we waste is another second closer to Shark dying. They ran into a dead-end and realized that there's no way that they could've gotten out with Shark since our school building initiated lockdown mode. A window break would've initiated an alarm that flashed, rang, and vibrated. Flashed because then, it would alarm anyone that can see, rang because it would've alarmed anyone that can hear, and vibrated for those of neither. The alarm would scare the intruders and their actions would be panicked. This is why our school hasn't been attacked since 1987. But wait- the alarm didn't go off. They didn't enter by breaking in-

They got in because we left a window open.

Did we do that on purpose? Or was someone planning to let these people take shots at our school? Either way, it's leading me to believe that someone left it open and paid the men off. If someone paid them off, they planned it. But who could've-


He's the only one who hates Shark and this school enough to do something this bizarre. But he's too obvious. Not to mention, he wouldn't be able to pull it off. He wouldn't have the balls to do so. "Sabre! Where is Shark?" Emily screams, worried about her friend and me. I shake my head and look at the school building. "Emily..."

"He never left. He's in the attic, waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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