Kenji. (Your story) (11)

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*years later Y/n and Shinso, married and had kids*

(Y/n's POV)

The raid was over, well has been over

I could finally rest.

(No one's POV)

"Or that's how your mother would've told her story"
Hitoshi said as he, and Y/n and his two kids stood next to Y/n's grave,

"Dad?" "Yeah?" "How did mom die? You never told us" "oh well......" "well?"


Hahaha!!! I finished and now I'm crying myself so heh...anyway luvs I hope you enjoyed it and the next chapter will be me explaining Y/n or your death! Anyway I will see you but not actually see you soon!

I will be a hero! (Hitoshi Shinso  x reader) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now