U.A Begins!! (1)

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*the last day of middle school*

(Y/Ns POV)
Today has been a long day...and still I haven't smiled since last year...great...just great...
Kyoka: "hey sis you ok?"
Y/N: "I'm fine."
Kyoka: "uhh you don't look fine but I won't pry, anyway wanna come get some ice cream class is over!"
Y/N: "sure"


Y/N: "I've finally made it out of that hell hole!"
Kyoka: "I don't know how and why you say EVERYTHING without emotion- LOOK A VILLAIN!!" *kyoka runs to the crowd and you follow her to the front*
Y/N: "shit...he has a kid!"
Kyoka: "I know this is bad!"
*you see a green haired kid run out and try to save him but before you could think you ran out there*
Y/N: "time for a special move!" *you realize the guys has blood so you raise the temperature of his blood and that makes the slug villain drop the kids and while you can you jump over him and tie him up with your threads breaking him into pieces and you collect him in a box you found near the road*
Y/N: "And done! NOW I HOPE YOU HEROS LEARN TO TAKE MORE ACTION NEXT TIME!" You yell as you turn in The slug villain into the police and answer questions by the press then you go home.

*you walk through the door*
You were greater with a handful of hugs from your parents and a lot of lectures
Y/N: "I don't care!" You say as you walk away from your family and into your room.


(Y/Ns POV)
Huh, maybe I should take his advice......I dotn k ow why but those kids sis stop me 'go DIE' and your should kill yourself' or 'if you can't die then PUNISH YOURSELF FOR BEING WEAK!' I hate those bullies and now I can finally live without them but....I kinda feel...different..ehh I'm fine *looks down and realizes this whole time you were thinking you were cutting yourself with scissors.

Y/N: "that didn't even hurt..."

I feel weird maybe blood loss? Ehh *drinks own blood to regain energy* much better hehe I can self harm and say omg training my quirk' amazing I'm tired again *falls asleep*

~time skip to when she gets her results*

(Y/Ns POV)
I got in...I got in UA....I feel sorta happy...why do I feel tension in my cheeks?....I'm sniling....

Y/N: "MOM DAD!!!!!" You scream as you run down stairs and they see you smiling
Mom: "honey your smiling?"
Y/N: "I GOT IN UA!!!!! IM IN CLASS 1-A!!!"
Kyoka: "ME TOO! AHHH YAY!!"

~the morning of the first day at UA~

(Y/Ns POV)
*wakes up* ugh I have school- UA!! shit shit shit!! wait I haven't been showing emotion...eh that's fine I don't care right now all I want to be is early wait..*looks at time* heh if I get ready quickly I can be there 15 minutes early!

~at the school and you are 15 minutes early~

*deep breath* your fine no ones problem there

*opens door and sees a blue haired boy*
He walks towards you and says
"Hello I'm Tenya Iida your classmate! Nice to meet you!"
Y/N: "hello I'm Y/N Jiro, Nice to meet you too Iida" you shake his hand and sit down where you saw on the seating chart, in the back, PERFECT!
As more and more people come in the teacher also comes in and we meet on the training grounds

Aizawa: "let's start already"

For the 50 meter dash I won first place by making my blood heat rising and griping on the something at the end and that made me win the 'race' in .53 seconds which everybody was surprised but I was just thinking it's normal and even my sister was like "HOW SIS HOW?!!!". For the grip strength I didn't even use my arms I just connected the threads and kept on going until Aizawa said to stop, I lifted 926kg and people were around me just looking shook and I kept a cool monotoned face. For the standing Long jump I just used my threads to grab on a tree and I didn't even touch the ground and I did it so fast it looked like I teleported. And now the ball throw,

Aizawa: "Y/N, Jiro"
I walked up to the circle and and held to ball I didnt even use my quirk and I got 850.4 meters
Aizawa: "wait did you use your quirk for that?"
Y/N: "no."
Aizawa looked shook as did my classmates
Aizawa: "uhh just do it again with your quirk"
I nodded and took another ball and this time using both my quirks I made my arm be covered in hard blood and then I used my strings to help me throw it farther and I got 3,824.5 meters and as I went to go get in line I was bombarded by complements and my sister knowing I was uncomfortable
After everyone except the blonde bitch apologized and went away we got back to class then it was lunchtime.

~time skip to when she is trying to find a table to sit at~

Midoriya: "Hey Y/N wanna come sit with us!?"
Y/N: "it would be a pleasure" I said as I sit down next to Midoriya.
Midoriya: "no need to be formal"
Y/N: "oh ok well thanks"
Midoriya: "no problem! So Y/N are you Kyoka Jiros twin?" He says pulling out a notebook and pencil
Y/n: "yes I am and just to let you know we have two cats" as he writes this down Uraraka asks
Uraraka: "What are their names?"
Y/n: "one is named star and the other midnight!"
Midoriya: "cool and may I ask why you never smile or show emotion? I'm just worried"
Y/n: "oh well I used to smile but then I'm middle school I got bullied a lot and my family would ask why I have injuries but I would just say training, and after I kept getting bullied I just put up with it, it's was a daily thing and soon i just stoped showing emotion"
Midoriya: "oh I'm sorry and I used to get bullied to but I just think they want to be mean for a reason that's not they good so I forgive them and still why don't you smile?"
Y/n: "this might sound weird but...but.."
Tsu: "but?"
Y/n: "I forgot how to smile..." I see Midoriya tearing up and tsu and Uraraka giving me apologetic looks
Midoriya: "well the it's my goal to make you smile!"
Y/n: "huh?"
Midoriya: "I want to find a way to make you smile!"
Y/n: "oh well I hope you succeed but I haven't showed emotion in years so I don't think that will happen"

~time skip to when everyone is in their costumes and with all might~

All might: "Today you will be-" I focused on him and after he finished picking the teams my name didn't get called and I raised my hand
All might: "yes young Y/n?"
Y/n: "how come my name didn't get picked?"
All might: "Ah, very good question but you see when we were watching you in the entrance exam and when Aizawa told me about how well you did in the quirk tests this morning I have decided that you will be facing me!"
The whole class including me screamed "WHAAAATTT?!!!"
All might: "I will explain soon but now let's get going!"

After all the battles the one I was most angry at was bakugo and Midoriyas fight but I think all might is gonna explain why he picked me.

All might: "so months ago young bakugo here got attacked by that slug villain and when I saw Y/n go and save both Midoriya and Bakugo while taking down the villain so many pro hero's couldn't even take down made me proud and shocked so when I saw your name on the news and I thought of the UA entrance exams I...welll."
Y/n: "well?"
All might: "you know how you were informed that you got a recommendation but you still went to try out on your own?"
Y/n: "uhh yeah?"
All might: "I was the one that recommended you"
Again the whole class went crazy and stared screaming but then all might said to quiet down and let him talk more
All might: "so one of the reasons you got in was because I recommend you and you did amazing at the exam and right now with your power and level of strength with just a little bit more training you could easily surpass me...."
Again the class went even more crazy and bakugo started screaming then I realized Midoriya was close to all might then I realized that Midoriya is watching this too.....oop..
All might: "but anyway Nezu the principal is going to over look the battle and young Y/n here will have to face me ANNDDD Aizawa!"

(1559 words)

Wooow this was a long chapter but anyway I hope you liked it!

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