chapter 28, new years partAAy, and demons

Start from the beginning

i decided to ask the board a question.

y/n: um. do you want to hurt me?

everyon was silent waiting for it to awnser. but it didn't after about a minute of waiting the tip of my finger started to sting. then i could feel something wet on the board. thats when i realized the tip of my finger was bleeding.


kenzie: oh my god

gio: everyone say bye, hurry.

everyone: bye!

i finally got to lift my finger off the board and sure enough it was bleeding. i was actually super scared. i was literally about to cry.

y/n: guys what the fuck just happended, am i gonna die?

alessio: babe don't say that.

alessio held me

gio: uh i have never seen it do that, i think we should get some sage or something like that.

that whole night felt super weird, but we all celebrated the new year and had an overall fun night. i can say for sure im never touching that thing again. but like i said the whole night felt weird. i made bella sleep in my room with me, and alessio got mad. i don't really care though, i haven't hung out with her has much. we crashed like right after 3. we both ended up waking up around 10:30 ish. i check my finger and it like nothing ever happened. it was so weird, there was no way it could've healed over night. today we didn't really have anything planned, it was the first day of the new year so not many things opened yet. i posted a tweet, asking my followers what kind of video they wanted to see. i read through the tweets, and sure enough with majority was about alessio. but some of them wanted a vlog type thing of just the gang going to the mall or a store. bella and i went downstairs to greet everyone, and mostly everyone was sitting down on the couch with the coffee table in front of them. they all looked freaked out. and on the table was a scratched up ouija board. it looked like something unhuman had scratched the heck out of it.

y/n: um guys what the hell
bella: y/n! not the best word choice.
gio: lucas saw the board like that when he came downstairs, and he screamed. i'm suprised you guys didn't hear it.
alessio: babe if you get possessed i won't break up with you
y/n: alessio shut up dude
kyrease: sOmE oNeS gRuMpYyYyYYyyYyy
kenzie: bahhaha
y/n: do you guys wanna go to the mall? i need youtube content
gio: sure
lucas: sure
kenzie: sure
alessio: yea
kyrease: i guess
y/n: okay sounds good, we leave at 12 mkay?

everyone agreed with the plans, and i went upstairs to my room to get ready. alessio was grabbing all up on my, in the hall. i didn't really like it, but i kept my mouth shut. i entered my room alone. i went pee, and i got my freaking period. ughhhh. i did all my stuff and got ready. i changed into...

after everyone was ready, we all took my car to the mall

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after everyone was ready, we all took my car to the mall. when we got there lucas and gio and kyrease were acting stupid for the vlog, but eventually we grabbed something to eat, and started shopping. i was switch bella and alessio in a little vintage type of store. and alessio was all up on me again and i just wasn't feeling so i asked him too stop, and he said "damn okay", and he kind of scoffed like he didn't believe what was coming out of my mouth. i just ignored him so i could finish shopping. a few hours later, everyone bought at least something and i had enough content for my video so we decided to leave. alessio didn't really say anything too me after what happened earlier. when we arrived home i filmed the out-tro for my video, and i quickly got to editing. after like 5 1/2 hours i was finished. and i was planning on uploading tomorrow. since it was like 2 am i was hungry so i decided to grab something to eat from downstairs. i made some cereal, and i wanted to check on z he was in his room. he was drinking and smoking. i told him that he'd had enough which was very clear. and he said, "what do you care? you won't even let me hug you in public.". this boy is too much, "alessio, i didn't mean for it to come across as that. i'm on my period and i just don't feel like getting all touchy, and i was just grouchy i want all the hugs i'm the world from you." i told him, i was making sure he understood me because he was kinda fucked up. i helped him into bed and gave him a few kisses. he asked me to sleep in his room with him, but i just don't feel like it. i went back to my bed and fell asleep. the next morning, alessio woke up with a headache and climbed into my bed. he woke me up, but i didn't mind. we ordered postmates, and turned on a movie. i got up and did my thing. and then alessio and i spent the rest of the day together. i uploaded to my youtube channel, and the views were skyrocketing. so i was in a pretty good mood.


this chapter was kind of odd, and i wrote the beginning like 3 days ago and i kind of forgot about this app.

sorry for any typos 😔😔

also i didn't know who to use as you're guys friends so lmk if you want a certain influencer to make an appearance 🤠🤠

ty all for reading 😼😼🔪

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