Our Last Kiss

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TW: Suicide.

This is my first time writing heavy angst so forgive me if it's bad :( Listen to the music while reading to feel the vibes y'know. (this will have 2 parts UNLESS you guys want me to make it into a book)

George P.O.V

It's been about a year since.. I've been diagnosed with stage 2 leukemia. I haven't told anyone, even my best friends, even Dream. I wasn't surprised when I was diagnosed with it as it ran through both sides of my family. I never got treatment as I was planning on committing suicide but now that I think back I wish I had. If it wasn't for Dream I would probably be dead by now.. I fell for him. I love him, I would do anything for him. Just the sound of his voice makes my mind fill with joy. A lot of people would call me crazy for loving him, in fact I still haven't seen his face. But it doesn't matter anymore, I won't be here for much longer anyways, everyday I feel weaker. Sometimes to the point where I can't walk. The only reason my body fights anymore is because of Dream. He's the only thing keeping me alive, and I love him. More than anything, I just want to watch the sunset with him and cuddle as I experience my last moments on earth. That's my last wish.

I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm clock next to me, I groggily reached out my hand and hit the button to turn off. The dim light of the sun rising shined through my curtains, right into my eyes. I groaned sleepishly and turned my head away from the light. The sound of the alarm clock was still ringing in my ears. I finally found enough energy to sit up in my bed.

As the ringing in ears calmed, I could hear the buzzing coming my desk, I slowly sat up as I felt myself getting nauseous. I slowly walked over to the desk and rolled my chair back, I felt my legs collapse as i fell back into the chair. The impact on my back made me cough slightly before I pressed the answer button. "George!" The voiced echoed through my head, causing a slight headache.

"Be quiet.." I said in a hoarse voice. It took a few more echoes in my head to realize that the voice was Dream. He was quiet for a few moments before muttering something that i couldn't hear, "Say that again." He was quiet for another second before finally blurting it out, "Unlock your front door!!" I groaned slightly, "Why?" I could hear dream chuckle a bit, "Because I'm here."

My eyes widened.. shit.. He would definitely figure out I'm sick. "Did you forget that I was supposed to be here today?" Wait what? When did we make plans!? I must of been out of it when we were talking about it. I was probably sleep deprived or something. "A-Alright I'm coming.." I hung up and slammed my hand down on the desk, what the hell am I supposed to do now!

I got up and went into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and carefully making my way down the stairs. I shakily reached out my hand to unlock the door before stopping half way. It would be my first time seeing his face, and after the time he would be here, probably the last. I slowly unlocked the door before twisting the door knob and opening it.

I kept my head down as I saw his black jeans and feet, not daring to look at his face. I would probably get embarrassed and just stare for a minute. Once the door was fully open, I sat there in awkward silence. That was until I felt a hand cup my cheek. My face lit up to a bright pink, I gulped nervously as the hand slid under my chin and lifted my head.

As my eyes met his, I immediately observed his face.. His sharp jawline, his piercing green (yellow to me) eyes staring into my soul. Small freckles were spread across his nose and cheeks. I should also mention that they were tinted pink also. His dirty blonde hair fell just below his eyes, his hair looked soft, I just wanted to tangle my hands deep into his wavy blonde hair and forget that anything ever existed.

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