Chapter 11: The Question

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Poppy's POV

Things were going well for me. I had grown close to the Rock Trolls in my time there, and they seemed to like me, even though I was a Pop Troll.

"So where you guys headed out now?" I asked Riff and Sid Fret after practice.

"Oh, you know, just back to our places," Sid Fret said, dazed as always.

"Yeah, to just think over our personal lives...or something," Riff said, pulling up his hat a bit.

"Alright," I said, readjusting my guitar, "bye!"

"See ya, Punky!" they both called as they headed their opposite ways. I could get used to that new name.

Despite their clunky-headedness, they were actually pretty nice guys. The same was true for the other rockers; they had a lot of heart.

Before I had arrived in Volcano Rock City, I once thought they were all about going all out without a care in the world. Once I moved in, however, it really changed my perspective. Some of these rockers used their music not just for fun, but as a way to express or let loose any emotions they had deep inside that they couldn't say out loud. That, to me, made a lot of sense.

I really had to thank Barb for this experience and opportunity to learn and grow here. She really got me; she understood where I came from and who I was, yet she still saw a lot more in me and wanted to help me reach that potential. She was a nice friend that way, and I couldn't ask for a better one.

Although we were friends, however, there was still something that she wouldn't tell me. I had tried to make conversation about it with her, but whenever I did, she seemed to chicken out like it was too scary for her to deal with.

What is she trying to hide? I thought to myself as I walked into the room.

I plumped myself against my small cot, trying to figure it out. Thoughts of this racing in my mind.

Why won't she tell me? I thought to myself, I mean we're friends, and can I tell who she might or might not have a crush on, and it's not Riff. Whatever it is, she can tell me. She's my friend, someone I care about deeply, someone I can always count on, someone who really gets me, someone who I...

I stopped right there, my eyes going wide. I finally realized something totally mind-blowing.

"TROLL MY GOSH!" I said, "I love Barb!"

I was totally shocked by the realization. I was in love with the Queen of Rock! But now I don't know how to act around her. I know Branch and I broke it off, but that was because of my dethroning. I wasn't sure if I should jump back into it so quick. I know love can take many different forms, but I wasn't sure if I should follow this through. Plus, I wasn't sure if it was even true.

I was thinking about this so hard that I was completely thrown off by the knock on the door. I straightened myself up, calmed down, and opened it. It was Barb!

"Oh, hey Barb!" I said, trying to hide the feelings.

"Hey, Popsqueak, it's just me," she said as she entered the room.

"Alright," I said, helping move her stuff.

"Yeah, so by the way are you free tonight or...," she asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, nervously.

"Well...there's this new restaurant near Twisted Street that I've been wanting to check out and I thought you might want to tag along."

My eyes darted a bit. This was gonna be difficult now. Just had to play it cool and not blow it.

"Sure," I said, gleeful, "we supposed to dress fancy or...?"

"Yeah, but hey, that's why I got you the outfits."

"Alright, just give me a minute to get ready,"
I said, rifling through my outfits .

"Alright," she said, gathering her stuff, "I'll be in the bathroom changing, so you can get ready out here."

"Okay," I said as she shut the door.

I couldn't believe it! I just couldn't believe it! Though she didn't explicitly say it, Barb had asked me out on a date! And I said yes! Just had to play it cool, because if she was asking me out tonight, then I think tonight might be when I learn the truth. Does she love me or not?

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