Chapter 30

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We are going to have a major timeskip to my favourite arc!



U.A. High School,
In the school ground,

Izuku's POV

Both me and Shouta were patrolling around the school ground , making sure the students were safe and sound. There was nothing major happening yet, but we couldn't let our guard down. We had sworn to protect the students from villains so they could have fun during this long-awaited school festival.

"Wah~ There are a lot of interesting activities to do! This really takes me back to my days in U.A.~" I squealed excitedly upon eyeing the students' booths. Especially the food booths. God, I was drooling like a lot as if I had never eaten for years.

"Izuku, we are here to patrol..."

"It won't hurt to enjoy the festival too!"

I linked my arm with my lover's, nuzzling my head on his shoulder. I noticed some of the students were watching us with their eyes widen in awe. Yeah, we didn't hide about our relationship anymore. I guess the whole school knew....because the third year students came bombarding me with countless questions. After they saw me hugging Shouta.

Shouta looked away with pink flush on his face. "We are in public..." He bashfully complained, but I knew deep inside he loved it when I did this. I chuckled at his shyness. "There is no harm in that, dear." I replied to him gleefully.

"Ah yeah! Class 1-A's performance will start on 10 right? Why don't we go--"

All of a sudden, I felt the urge to puke. I clamped my mouth, my head swirling with nausea. Shouta took notice of my condition and held me close to him. "Izuku, what is wrong? Are you feeling ill?" He asked concernly. I nodded my head.

"Do you want to use the restroom?"

"Y-yes, please..."

I shakily responded to him. My stomach was churning so badly. Shouta led me to the nearest restroom. We both were walking quite slowly because of me. I could barely stay standing , let alone walking. The moment I saw the restroom, all energy came mustering together in my body. I gained the strength to rush into the restroom.

I stopped at the closest sink and began vomitting everything out. It took good few minutes to finish puking. I turned the faucet and the water ran out. Washing my face with the water, I felt slightly relieved. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Oh jeez what is wrong with me? Suddenly puking. I don't bring any medication with me...

I exited the restroom after I was done with my thinking. Seeing Shouta ,I tugged a small smile for him. "Do you feel better now?" He gave to me a light green handkerchief. I used it to wipe my face that was a little wet with water.


"Maybe you should go rest in infirmary..."

Shouta's voice was rhyming with worry for some reason. I flicked a thumb-up for my loving boyfriend. "Don't worry! I'm doing good! Besides, I don't want to miss the kids' performance!" I assured him confidently. I had been looking forward to this day to come for one reason,

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