"I would have thought you'd include Princess Amery Smith of Lurith to the list. Lurith is up there with those two kingdoms you've just mentioned after all," She points out, slightly confused. While she speaks, her husband picks up his tea and begins to sip it, seeming as though he felt left out of the conversation concerning his own kingdom and daughter's future.

                  "I initially did but after the behaviour she showcased to me during the recent ball in Ophnosleanade, I don't think she's fit to be Queen in the slightest."

                  "I see," The Queen responds, picking up her own teacup as well, giving it a small sip before placing it down once again with a small 'clink'.

                  "I hope our daughter has been treating you well so far during your stay. We were quite surprised but in a positive manner, to hear that you were going to be staying in our palace for a week. I'm sure Odile will keep you busy," The king chuckles, nearly choking out his tea.

                  His wife rolls her eyes slightly before turning to Bastiaan with the same small yet noticeably fraud smile. After all, nothing could get past Bastiaan's eagle-like eyes. "What do you think of our daughter so far?"

                  "She's immature," He replies bluntly, not holding back as usual. "Her image is suitable of a Queen but her attitude is not. She acts much younger than she actually is and too informal, no matter whom it is."

                  "Odile has recently been going through more lessons to sort out this flaw of hers. She gets such boisterous behaviour from hanging about her brothers ever since she was a babe. We thought it was about time that we set her straight and make her start behaving like a proper woman," The King speaks up once again, his voice firm now and more determined.

                  The queen picks out a muffin from the tiered tray and cuts it up before proceeding to begin eating as her husband continues to speak: "If this behaviour of hers was fixed, do you think she could be a suitable Queen for Ophnosleanade?"

                  "She doesn't have much respect for others. She's not very hard working either unless forced to be. She does have vision however, as well as curiosity and the ability to embrace change. That is just her personality, and I'd rather not see her bend over backwards and moulding herself into somebody completely new to become the perfect Queen. There's no such thing," Bastiaan answers his question, finally getting in a sip of the tea in front of him. He eyed the treats that were specially prepared but refrained from picking any of them out, noticing how they were all on the sweeter side.

                  "We can make her close as possible to being the perfect Queen," The Queen states before noticing that the sky was becoming fairly dim as grey clouds began approaching. "Oh my, it looks like the weather is finally becoming so dreary once again."

                  Bastiaan looks up and nods, "Indeed so. Perhaps it'll rain soon."

                  "Prince Bastiaan, we are honoured that you even consider our daughter as a suitress. We will try our best to prepare her before you make your final decision," The King reassures Bastiaan, a small smile on his lips that matched nearly identically to his wife's fraud one. "Why don't you enjoy some of the baked goods our royal chefs have prepared us?" He offers, gesturing to the plethora of treats just begging to be eaten in all their scrumptious glory.

                  Bastiaan shakes his head and waves his hand, refusing the offer. "No thank you, I'm quite alright."

                  "But you've gotten so skinny ever since your mother passed away! You used to be quite the chubby child, Bastiaan. You have grown into quite the fine specimen however. You look just like her," The queen points out, a small laugh following her nostalgic comment.

Undying Love ( Yandere x Reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें