Max, Your Typical Freak

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Hello everyone!

I'm bisexual and genderflux. I mainly use she/her or they/them pronouns.

I curse a lot, sorry.

My main account is SwanSong13. There, you can find my original stor(y/ies) and fanfics. I am definitely insane, slightly suicidal, probably suffer from chronic depression. I love reading, writing, listening to music, musicals, animals (except snakes), acting, and debate. I despise most people irl, but so far the people on wattpad seem nice. If you ever need/want to talk, pm my personal account and I'll respond as soon as I can. I'm socially awkward, especially online, and I have a life outside of wattpad, so it might take awhile for me to see the message/find the words to respond.

Not long ago, I founded an organization much like this one. Everyone_Has_A_Voice is the account, but I have yet to name the organization. In general, it's for those who stand against sexism, racism, homo/transphobia, xenophobia, bullying, etc. I'm still working on getting the books filled out and published, but you can still become a member of the organization if you want to, simply pm that account.

I don't really know how to end this so... bye?

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