Oh, raccoons

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Hi! My pronouns are she/her, but i dont mind being called dude or man (dont feel like explaining why, sorry) and i may apologize or thank people alot. Im sorry in advance for any possible future cases where i apologize or thank thee too much. Im pansexual, and my username is RaccoonMania. I don't mind being called Raccoons. Have a wonderful day/night!

If anybody feels the need to vent, I'd be happy to help and try and give advice the best I possibly can! I'm bilingual (french and english) so if anybody needs help with one of those two languages, i dont mind helping! I like reading, lying down on the floor (dont ask, please), staring at the night sky, drawing, and helping people. eh--

Ignore homophobics, they're a bunch of losers who aren't worth a dime.

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