"...Keep in Mind..."

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"Onee-chan.. we should get going.." Mira whispered. "Alright.., let's go, then." Yomi replied as she offered Mira her hand to hold. Soon after arriving at the museum, Yomi looked around and got so lost, that Mira had to shake Yomi a little just to return her to her senses. A skinny,  6'4ft tall young man, stood in front of the two, "are you going to be attending that advanced art school..?" He asked. "Y-Yes sir." Yomi nervously answered as she looked up at the guy. "ID, please." He said, as he held the list of students in the area that were attending. With Mira hiding behind Yomi, as if poking her head out from behind a corner, Yomi pulled out her student ID card and handed it to the man. "Hmm... Yomi.. Yomi...Yo- ah! There you are." He handed her ID back. He noticed Mira, shy faced, and he smiled sweetly at her. "Is this your sibling?" Yomi glanced at Mira, and then back at the guard. "Yeah." He held his hand out, after he took a polite bow to the two girls. "Its nice to meet the two of you. I'm Kona. I am one of the faculty at the school. I will be looking forward to teaching you in the future." He made a quick salute to the girls and returned to his business. "Onee-chan... He's like a frickin' tree.." Mira quietly stated. "Yeah... Its either that, or we're just really, really short..." The two started walking through the gallery.

After seeing many beautiful paintings and sculptures, Mira seemed to have just now found a favorite. Yomi didn't notice until she looked back and saw Mira still standing in front of it. "M-Mira.. Oh, good greif... don't do that.. at least tell me when you want to keep looking, ok?" Mira didn't answer in a normal state of mind, it was obvious that she heard Yomi, but Mira just said,"Uh..huh... I'm s..sorry.." as she was lost in the painting. It was a wide painting, golden framed, it was a picture of a meteor shower, and under the falling stars was a small white white rabbit, staring at the lights as if it was trying o make a wish. Kinda looked like Mira in the moment. "heh.. we've always been suckers for stars, huh..?" She patted Mira head lightly and walked over to the next painting, slowly walking so that Mira would be able to catch up.

Soon after, it was Yomi who had found a favorite, this time. It was a wall painting  based on the ocean. With light blue and white bubbles, a few little fish in one or two parts of it, a really colorful sea floor, with sparkles of the coral reefs, along with multiple types of fish. The title said, Deep Sea Melancholic. Yomi was looking a bit dumbstruck, while Mira was tugging on her sleeve, "Onee-chan... c'mon... its been 10 minutes.." Yomi came back from her la-la land and replied, "bwauhh..?" Acting like she just woke up, which in a way, she kinda did. "I think its almost time to head home.." Reminded Mira. "You think?" Yomi looked at her phone clock and sighed, "yeah.. it is.. I didn't realize that... Er.. I'll buy you something on the way back, ok?" Yomi smiled at Mira as they walked towards the exit. "ok!" Joyfully said Mira.

Mira dragged Yomi inside the bakery, and I don't think she had any problem with that at all. "Hello, there!" shouted Mira, acting familiar with the baker. "Mira, Yomi! How are you two??" the baker cassually shouted back. The other customers where just looking at the joyfull conversation with faces that were probably thinking,"what the heck...". Yomi waved, "whats up Kanako? Are you busy? I.. er Mira dragged me in here." Kana giggled "You sure? it looked more like you both tried to fit through the door at the same time. hehe.. You two haven't changed a bit!" she took a slight break as the other employee there took over. and she waved at the two also,"So these are the two kids you were telling me about..? They look pleasant." the second baker stated. "I'm Rei. Ko's older brother. Nice to meet ya." as Kana butted in," how's Mika and your mother doing?" With Rei looking rejected, her went back to work.

"oh! so you got into that art school??! cool!" Kana said. "yeah. I leave tomorrow morning..." Yomi said with doubt. "Hey, cheer up kid!" Kana commanded. I think I might get to go too." Yomi's eyes widened,"eh? but.." Kana cut in, "I sent it in that night. Ya think that's ok?" Yomi shrugged I'm still not sure..."

After arriving back at home, Mika was asleep on the staircase, as Yomi woke him up, Mira walked past her, before she passed completely, she softly kissed her sister on her cheek and went to her room. Wide-eyed, and blushing, Yomi got all flustered again."Geeze..."

After Mika woke up he smiled awkwardly at his sister. "I'm awake now!" He stated,Yomi chuckled a little and smiled, "alright."

The two siblings went out for lunch before the afternoon hours began at the zoo. Mika, just about done with his food, looked out the window, not talking at all what so ever. Yomi, on the other hand, was concerned abount wat was on her cute little bro's mind. "H-Hey, squirt.. You ok? Is there somethin' wrong..?" he didn't say anything but he shook his head, signaling,"I'm fine, Mi-Mi..",He then turned to her,"I'm just trying to figure out what we're all gonna be like with out you... I'm the only one, besides yo, who knows how to cook. But I have those afterschool classes that I don't even need..." He sighed," plus.. I-I..." He blushed, "I'll miss you a lot.." He said. "Don't be like that!, Remember you and Mira have that laptop to talk to me on." Yomi chuckled, "Did someone mistake you for a girl..?" She playfully smiled, Mika looked all red with his bashful reaction, "N-NO! I can't help that I have a twin!" He stated, "Meanie!" Yomi laughed a little and then softly patted him on his head,"You know I'm just kiddin'. You ready to go see some animals?" Yomi smiled. "Y-Yeah...!" Mika happily replied.

They soon got to the zoo, as a lady, who was, believe it or not, shorter than Yomi. Maybe about two or so inches. "Tickets please, ma'am." She requested as she held out her hand."M-My sis in going to the new art school, miss.." Mika stated. "Oh? Is that so?" She then said. "Then may I see your ID?" She asked as she held a clipboard similar to Kona's. "Yeah.. sure... Here ya go." Yomi said as she handed the lady her ID. "Miss Nekumura. That's a cute name. A cute name to go with a pretty face." She proudly stated."H-Hehe.. Ah.. Thanks..." Yomi shyly said. "I'm one of the teachers for the three-dimensional classes. No need to fear me, dear. I think you shoul have one of my classes. They are always fun. Er.. I'm sorry.. I've taken enough of your time.. please enjoy your time with your little brother." She kindly moved aside. As soon as Mika saw the first animals, he grabbed Yomi's hand and dragged her over. "Mi-Mi! Look!" He said happily, without noticing the surrounding people looking at them with giggles,"Oh how cute~" Yomi, being dragged all around the zoo by her younger brother, decided to enjoy the time now while it still lasted.

When they got to the near end, Mika was looking down, he was crying.

Yomi took notice, and as a big sister, she crouched down so that they were eye level. "Hey,... You ok, lil' bro??" she said kindly as she tilted her head up at him. "N-No... I'm not, Mi-Mi.." He said with a weeping voice. "Is it because I'm gonna have to go tomorrow..?" she asked, obviously because that was why. "uh-huh..." He said while looking at her with tears flowing down his cheeks. "O-Oh no! D-don't cry!" Yomi said, as she waved her hands trying to get him to cheer up, "eh, we still have tonight and tomorrow morning. okay?" she said as she smiled with warmth. "o-ok, Mi-Mi..." he said. He then leaned on her right shoulder, wraping his small arms around her neck, hugging her tight, before they started heading back home.

As they were walking, Mika reached for Yomi's hand, trying to act chill and smooth. Yomi took notice, and let him do so. Hand in hand, they walked to the front door, before he let go. Opening the door, to see their no-good father. "Tch..." Yomi glared at him as her and Mika walked up the stairs. "grr... good for nothin'.." He snared back at her. When they got to their room, they both looked at each other. "Mi-Mi..." "I know. I know.." She cut in. "He's never happy to see me, you, or Mira. I still don't understand why mom had to to marry that son of a.... er.. that scumbag..!" Yomi stopped herself from saying something she couldn't. Gotta keep it PG.

Yomi sat down on her bed near the window. She smiled as she stared up at the stars, as the twins crawled up onto her bed and looked at them too. "Hehe,.. I can't wait to go see them...!" Yomi stated. She was really into the beautiful things that happen in the world. "And then we get to go see the deep sea!" She happily said to her siblings. "Onee-chan, I want to sleep with you tonight!" Mira shamelessly said. "E-Eh?" Yomi looked towards Mira with surprise in her eyes.

 "I said.. I want to sleep with you! Onee-chan!" Mira said again. "eh... you sure..?" Yomi uncomfortably confirmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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