"... Always..."

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A girl with bright red eyes, in her bed. "Today's the day...," she quietly reminded herself, "... the day I leave." she stared out the window, waiting for something to make her frown into a smile. "Sis! Sis!", called a more high and  childish, voice, "Do you really have to go?? I mean- who's gonna cook for us??" The red eyed girl turned swiftly, only to see her younger siblings standing behind her. "Yeah... I'm afraid I have to... but don't worry, I taught Mika how to cook, in case... you know.." The two siblings made small glances all around, until Mira, the youngest sibling broke the awkward pause. "Sis, why do you have to go..?" she then climbed onto the big sister's bed and leaned against her, "can't you just stay here with us??" weeped Mira "Dad's never cared for us, and mommy's sick..." The red eyed teen looked back at Mira with tears of sorrow and whimpered, "Mira, I promise I will come home as soon as I can. So you and Mika just stay strong... I know you can handle it, right? I mean, you have Mira, and he knows what he's doing." She then reached for something that looked like a laptop, "here, this. Its for both of you" She opened it and set everything up so that they could be able to freely use it."this is a way for us to still see eachother, ok?" Mira looked at the dull screen and smiled,"I'm still gonna miss having you around Sis..." she gave her older sister a long hug that never broke until the other sibling joined,"don't do anything stupid, Mi-Mi.." the boy blushed a little at the fact that he still can't say her actual name correclty,"Hehe.. I'll miss you guys the most, ya know?" she wraped her right arm around Mira,and the other around Mika, and gave the two grieving twins a bright smile,"c'mon! cheer up, you two..!" she pointed to her empty bag,"ya see that? I still have to get all my stuff in that bag, you guys are gonna walk with me to the train station, and then I'll be gone, but until then, we are gonna go on a date!" Mira joyfully smiled at the sound of her sister's statment, but meanwhile Mika, blushing as if he'd just been kissed, while stuttering,"d-d-d-d-d-d-d-date..?!" his hands covering his face, "but I thought...!" The oldest sibling, giggling while trying to make him understand,"pfft! Mika! Not a going-out-date silly! A hanging-out-date! haha!" she then turned away, while still laughing, her own face starting to turn red  because she didn't want her siblings to see her face when she truly is happy, er... at least I think. "haha! Duuuuuummy!" taunted Mikra,"S-Shut up...!" striked back Mika, "ok, ok you two.. Mom is still asleep, and I don't think dad wants to deal with us either.. so shhh..!" they all calmed down luckly. fortunently their mother remained asleep, and their father wasn't even home. The girl stood up, followed by the twins, and started to walk towrds her closet. I'm sorry you two, but I have to be mom right now..," she then pointed to the bathroom and stated,"we aren't leaving until you both look decent!" 

The two twins as if their lives were at risk, quickly replied,"Y-Yes ma'am!" and moved quickly to get ready. "hehe, I sure will miss you guys the most..." the girl sighed, soon after she got ready, herself she cautiously trotted down the stairs and headed for her mother's room. with a light knock at the door she whispered,"mom?" a weaker, softer voice replied, "mhmm..." she opened the door with a melancholic-like smile,"hey..." she sat down next to her ill mother. "how ya feelin'?" she asked. "I'm feeling a little better... thank you dear.." her mother replied back, "do you have all your things packed?", being a mom, she asked, completely out of the blue. "yes, mom." her mom smiled softly,"just making sure." she then saw her daughter's tears flooding her face,"oh, my, are you ok?" "Y-Yeah... Its just... I'm a little scared... ya know...?" her mother nodded and reasuringly smiled as she wiped her daughter's tears, "I know you'll be just fine. I mean, you've always been a strong kid!" she stated, "This is just another step in life, Yomi. You are a healthy strong girl. You know you as well as I do, you'll get around everything." she smiled at Yomi. "y-you think so?" her weeping face looked at her mother. "Thanks mom.." her melancholic gaze returned, as she gave her mom one last hug and kiss, and she left with a "I'll be back home soon, ok. stay strong." and with that, she made her exit.

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