"No problem."

"I see I'm no the only one that couldn't sleep."

"You could say that again."

"I tried, but when I do I see Mr. Stark's face, then him turning to dust infront of my eyes."

"Same, but it wasn't Tony I saw disappear... I see all of my teams deaths."

"Oh, you seem close to them, who was on your team, when we were talking you usually referred to them as they or my team? The only one I know was on your team was Jemma Simmons."

"Yea, she was on my team. You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone the team leader, especially not Natasha, Clint, or Thor. And keep in mind that you are the only person I've told this to, Lincoln and Simmons already knew but no-one else does."

"Okay, I promise."

"My team leader was called Phil Coulson."

"Isn't that the guy Tony said died before the battle of New York."

"Yes, it is. He did die, but was brought back to life by some alien blood."

"Oh. Wow. Who else?"

"There was someone called Leopold Fitz, Melinda May, Alphonso Mackenzie, Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse."

"What did they do?"

"Fitz was Engineering, Simmons Biochemistry, Mack also Engineering, May was the one person Cavalry, Coulson was the Leader, Bobbi and Hunter were good fighters, I don't know what they specialised in, but I know Bobbi was a good doctor before joining SHIELD."

"Oh, that's cool."

"What about you? What are you good at? I know you're a crime fighting Spider-Guy but what are you best at other than that?"

"I'm pretty good at engineering and biochemistry. What about you?"

"I'm a good hacker."

"Cool. I'm not bad myself, not good either though." She laughed a little.

The next day

Me, Quill, Wanda and Daisy where hanging out in the kitchen before a loud noise came from the TV in the living room.

"Why is that so darn loud?" Daisy asked rhetorically. She headed to the living room, us following her before everyone else came out of their rooms and made their way to it to see what was going on.

"Melting metal?" Natasha asked after watching metal bars dissolve.

"I'll be back!" Daisy said, running to her room. That reminds me I should probably go on patrol today.

"Me too," I said before, unlike Daisy, walking to my room.

Daisy POV

I left barely a few minutes later and went straight to the Zephyr, ignoring everyone's questions of what I'm doing.

I got on the jet and flew straight to where it said the Inhuman was.

I landed the Zephyr and started heading to where I saw him whilst flying overhead.

Third POV

There was a man surrounded by the ATCU. "I don't know what's happening to me, I just want to go to the hospital!" He told them.

"Put your hands on the car!" The leading man called, the same one that was after Lincoln a few days ago.

"Ok! I don't want to hurt anybody!"

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