The Devil

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                    God's visit turned into more than a day, begrudgingly his Brother stayed too as they wandered Hell and made their snide comments about how things were, honestly while watching and listening to his family it was apparent that God really didn't care for his creations.  Thinking back to the days of old when Lucifer was smaller, a child just born into being by God himself and given the name MorningStar... it was why he changed his name to Lucifer Magne.  Such a small thing he was with the brightest of eyes looking up at the being he knew as Father, God was plagued with all the emotions and seven sins that there were days he didn't know how to handle them which would lead the great creator to harm himself until he calmed down once more.  It was a traumatic thing to witness for one so small as Lucifer,

"Father, are you alright?"  God turned to give a shocked expression at the small angel,

"Oh, my shining light," he'd reach down to pick him up, smiling as he felt the warmth envelop him whenever Lucifer was near, God taught his Sons many things especially when it came to Lucifer and Michael.  His first and second son became close as they were raised together to be God's strength, one his Light and the other his Faith,

"Lucifer, you must share with your brother.  You're family and that is the most important thing in one's life," the little angel looked at both of his toys before turning to Michael who had been whining about not having one would look over as Lucifer smiled and offered one.  However, his brat of a brother would take both and leave Lucifer with nothing, that was fine with him though as the Angel grew and went exploring once his beautiful white wings were big enough to carry him.  Lucifer had learned that his Father had created many things upon the planet Earth, his curiosity finally caught up with him when it came to hearing about the Garden of Eden and a new creation that his Father had come up with.  At first, Lucifer couldn't fathom his Father ever creating anything more than what he had already, why would he?  Were his Sons not enough?  The Angel flew from the Heavens to the entrance of the Garden, he appeared adolescent at most while he walked through the brush of the grove, so far everything he was seeing and feeling was new and overwhelming.  Walking about with eyes wide and taking everything in until he heard something, swinging from the branches above him within a tree and crying out as something fell on him making him crash to the ground as well as hearing a scream.  Groaning while trying to see straight, his wings flapped to push something off of him and looking upon the form of what he could only assume was God's creation.

"What... are you?"  She looked to be the shape of himself however so much different than he as she stood up without wearing anything and save for her long golden blonde hair covering some of her body that was way different than himself,

"I'm not a what... more of a who... I'm Lilith, tell me are you one of God's children too?  You have wings," she reached out to touch one, making him tense up as he just stood there looking her over and for a time things were somewhat awkward between the two until she led him to a clearing where there were animals and a lake.  Everything was so beautiful to him, witnessing it for the first time,

"So Lucifer, if God didn't send you to check up on us then why are you here?"  She tilted her head while holding a few round looking things with which she would bite into, some kind of fruit maybe?

"I wanted to see these so called creations of my Father that he had done, he's been so tired and I hadn't seen him in several days.  To see that this is what he's been up to... I don't understand?"  Lilith smiled then as she went to take hold of his hand, and when she spoke, her voice sounded different.

"Take a look around, and see the world we think we know
Then look closer~
There's more to life than meets the eye
A beauty to behold
It's all much bigger than we know
It's only just beginning to unfold
So let it all unfold!"  She showed him the many different plants of nature, the springs where fish swam, the sky above them that was far different than the Heavens that were his home.

Devil's Fall:  A Lucifer Magne ShortWhere stories live. Discover now