💉🔪Celeste, A Psychopath 🔪💉

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Hi! My name is Celeste, (obviously) and I'm a psychopath (also obvious lmao)

As you can see, I'm not very good at this TwT.


My favorite methods of killing humans are:

•Butane torching, and then soaking in bleach

•Surgical needle between big toes, blow air into the vein with the needle (it mimics a heart attack)



I love:
•Theatre Arts
•My best friend
~Being a satanist
•All types of food

I hate:
•Pornbots on Wattpad
•Pumpkin Pie
•French class 😒
•The "cool" kids at my school
~My ex boyfriend :3


I'm a biromantic asexual, I like both male and female specimens. But not-
That nasty thing

Main account is in the bio, I can't tag it right now because wattpad is being a.. Biotch


ALL LIVES MATTER! You're all gorgeous, by the way


I love all of you! If someone is bothering you, tell me. I will kick their ass right through Wattpad.


Also, Satan is my husband, and I'm in an emotional affair with Cole Sprouse. So I'm cheating on my husband with a very cute human who happens to be a celebrity ;-;


With love,
✨ Celeste ✨

(PS, I will kill you Yuki >:0)

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