Weirdly Quiet Bizarre Town

Start from the beginning

"Right, right. Call the police... alright." She turned around and walked away, "My acne has festered and it's so itchy. Terribly itchy..."

Kakyoin covered his mouth and looked looked wearily at the other citizens. You walked over to him and tried to comfort him by patting his back. He pulled you into a side hug and mumbled into your shoulder, "There's something wrong with the people here. Someone died and no even bothered to look! Did they not hear the gunshot!"

You shrugged, "It seems impossible for someone to miss a noise like that in a place as silent as this. It doesn't even make any..." You trailed off as you saw a dog walk near Jotaro. The animal bore an eerie resemblance to the one you had seen earlier.

Kakyoin tried to follow your gaze, "What is it? Did you see something?"

You leaned into his shoulder, "It's just that I think I've seen that dog before."

Jotaro's eyes widened, "You too? It looks like the dead one from the side of the road, right?" You nodded slowly.

Polnareff fidgeted nervously, "It feels like the fog just keeps getting thicker."

Caesar hummed in agreement, "The town seems to be engulfed by this fog. Perhaps it was a bad idea to come here."

Polnareff squinted upwards into the non visible sky, "Doesn't that part there look like a skull?"

You cocked your head to the side, "The last time you noticed a face on something it was actually a Stand, so maybe there's a Stand here, too,"

Jotaro crouched down next to his grandfather, "Could it really be the work of another Stand user? What should we do, old man?"

"It seems impossible. Why would someone that's after us kill a man before we even got here? If they did, why did they kill him?" Asked Joseph who was still looking at the dead body.

Caesar leaned against a brick wall, "But there is still the possibility. We should probably investigate the body in case there are any clues. Without touching it, though, before the police arrive."

Using a pen, Joseph opened the various pockets on the man, "He seems to be a traveler like us. He has bus and train tickets. And he appears to be Indian. He's carrying Indian money. He's not from this town. Oh?" He tugged down the collar of the man's shirt to see a hole. "A wound! Right under his throat there's a wound about the size of a ten yen coin. Is this the cause of death?"

You looked at the wound suspiciously, "Perhaps, but there isn't any blood pouring from it. There should be plenty of blood gushing from a wound of that size."

"It looks like this is no ordinary murder. We need to know. Let's not hold back, take off his clothes." Despite being the one to order it, Jotaro stepped forward and ripped the man's shirt off, revealing that his entire body was covered with such holes.

"W-What's with this corpse?" Asked Polnareff who moved his hand to cover his eyes and block the sight. "He looks like the cartoon cheese you'd see in Tom and Jerry!"

"And none of them are spilling blood." Noted Caesar. "How was this man killed? What does it mean? Should I have read more detective stories in my spare time?"

"Be careful." Spoke Jotaro while moving a bit closer to you, "The odds that there's a Stand user nearby just grew."

Joseph began to jump onto a rather sharp fence, "Get in the car! We're leaving this town!" He finally seemed to register he was heading straight for a pointy end. "What?! That's impossible! This isn't the car! Hermit Purple!" His Stand wrapped around a telephone pole to stop his head from being impaled.

Jotaro was getting tired of his Grandpa's antics, "Hey, old man. What the hell are you doing? Are you stupid?"

Joseph's back slid against the bars as he sighed in relief before his eyes widened again, "Oh, no!"

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Polnareff.

"What do you mean, what am I doing? The car was right here a minute ago!" Shouted Joseph.

"The car? It's parked over there." You thought for a moment, "But perhaps all this fog is making you hallucinate..."

There was a thunking sound echoing throughout the town. The source being a small old woman tapping her cane against the ground with each step. You all gathered in front of her, giving small bows. She looked up at all of you and smiled, "You seem to be travelers. With this fog it's dangerous to leave the town now. There are many cliffs, you know. I run a little bed and breakfast. If you'd like, why not stay there for the night? I'll make it cheap."

Polnareff rested his chin in his hand, "We finally meet a normal person!" You all followed the old lady.

Some people came by with a stretcher and picked up the dead body as Kakyoin spoke, "There's a strong possibility that a Stand user is hiding in this town. This thick fog also gives them the upper hand. We cannot let our guard down at all tonight."

Polnareff exchanged suspicious glances with the townsfolk, "But... even without anyone attacking us, this is a really creepy town. "

The old woman stopped and turned around. "Come now, Mr. Joestar. That is my hotel. I shall lead the way. Please come with me. This hotel is small... but around twenty years ago, one of the 007 films took place here, and John Lennon from the Beatles even stayed here once."

"What? Really?!" Asked Polnareff.

"No, Not at all. But it is still quite a nice hotel." She countinued walking towards the entrance, "There are currently no other guests. Would meat for dinner be alright? Or would you prefer fish?"

"Hold it old lady." Jotaro's voice got the old lady to stop. "You just said Joestar, didn't you? How'd you know that name?"

She turned around, still giving a toothless grin, "Come now, sir. That person there just said Mr. Joestar a moment ago."

Polnareff Pinter to himself, "What? Me? Well, I guess I might have."

"You did, sir." Assured the old woman, "When you've been in customer service for many years, you learn to memorize people's names quickly. So I'm sure of it."

Polnareff set down his bag, "By the way, Ma'am, what happened to your left hand?"

She waved around the bandaged appendage, "Oh, this? I just burned it a little... It might be because of my old age, but I accidentally spilled boiling water on it." She laughed at herself.

Polnareff gave a cheeky grin, "Age? What are you talking about? You only look to be about forty. Maybe I'll ask you on a date." The two laughed together.

"Please don't tease me so, sir." Her laughter came to a stop, "Oh, and before I forget, would any of you happen to be (Y/N) (L/N)? Because someone called asking for you."

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