Chapter 3: The Host Club

Start from the beginning


Tamaki cleared his throat. 

"Since introductions have been done, y/n, this is the Host club. A club where we entertain ladies who come and seek attention for enjoyment."

"Do you all do the same thing?..."

You asked, looking at the group.

"Kind of, but as you obviously know. Each girl has a type. And in this group, we all fill in a role as a type of guy a girl wants."

The guy with glasses said. 

I'm pretty sure his name was Kyoya.

Kyoya continued talking.

"Honey-senpai fills in the roll as' the boy Lolita' type of guy. Tamaki is the 'prince charming' type of guy. Mori is the 'strong and silent' kind of guy. Haruhi plays the 'natural boy' role. The twins play the 'Little Devil' role in the group and I play the 'cool guy' role."

"Oh wow, so you each have a role in the group, that's cool."

You said, smiling. 

"I have a question though, since Haruhi is a girl. Why is she pretending to be a guy in this club?"

"Well you see, Haruhi has to fulfill a bit of debt from an accident. So she's paying off that debt by being in the Host Club."

"Oh, I get it."

Tamaki cleared his throat once again.

"So y/n, I've never seen you around Ouran before. Are you new?"

"Yeah, I am. It's my second week here, but I seem to be having a hard time making friends."

You said looking at the ground.

"We'll be your friends."

One of the twins said.


"Yeah, you're really nice and everyone seems to like you already!"

You smiled once again.

"So can I join your guy's club?"

"Of course my darling."

Tamaki said, making a face that you thought was supposed to be... romantic??

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 

The next day, you went to school looking forward to going to the Host Club. 

You walked to your seat, and as you entered the class you noticed the two twins from the Host club sitting on both sides of your seat.

"Hey, you're the twins from the club."

You said, as you sat down between them.

"Yeah, that's us."

"I didn't realize I sat in between you two."

"We saw you a few times last week but we didn't seem to pay much attention to you because you were really quiet."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, don't worry. Are you going to the club today?"

"Yeah, of course!"


One of the twins said, he seemed a bit taller than his brother.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 

When break started, you walked over to the music room with the twins. You got along quite well with them. They were fun to talk too and entertaining, specially the slightly taller one. 

The moment you guys walked into the music room, Tamaki came up wearing some sort of Egyptian outfit with gold on it.

"Y/n, today I need you to monitor how everything goes. We're trying something new and Kyoya wants to see how everything goes with the new style."

"Oh okay."

You said, still looking at his odd outfit. The music room had been changed into a 'desert/rainforest' room. There was sand on half of the room, along with beautiful chairs that were decorated with jewels. The other half of the room was filled with green plants and large trees in pots. There were even a few animals.

I wonder where they got those.

You thought, looking at the chameleon. 

Once the club started and girls were talking to all the boys, you made sure to pass by quietly and observe. The girls seemed to love the new theme. Each boy entertained a group of girls, making them laugh and blush. 

As you passed by the twins, one of the girls asked a question.

"Are you two always like this at home too?"

"My love for Hikaru will always remain strong, whether it's at home or school."

Kaoru said, looking at Hikaru's eyes. Hikaru pulled his brother in.

"Oh Kaoru, my love for you is stronger than a thousand fires burning."

The girls in the group gasped and squealed, looking at the two twins in awe. You couldn't help but hold in a laugh.

Geez, this two.

You thought to yourself as you smiled.

By the time all the girls had left, everyone had started cleaning up. You swept the floor, but while looking down you felt someone collide with against you. You slipped and fell on the ground, rubbing your head.

"Oh no, I'm sorry."

"Be careful!"

One of the twins said while the other interrupted, scolding him.

"It's okay, it's my fault I didn't see you."

"How about we play a game y/n. If you win then we will clean up your area so you don't have to do the work."

"Hm fine."

"Let's play the 'Which is Hikaru game'!"

At this point, the other guys and Haruhi had gathered around to see. The twins pulled two purple hats out of no where and put them on. 

"So, tell me y/n. Can you guess which one is Hikaru?"


"Many have tried but only one has succeeded."

You shook your head and pointed a finger at one of the twins.

"You're Hikaru."

"Uh oh, looks like you're wrong!"

"No way, I'm right."

The twins looked at each other, eyes wide.

"Wait, y/n. How'd you know who was Hikaru."

"Simple, I noticed when we first met that Hikaru is slightly taller than Kaoru."

"Woah, now you and Haruhi are the only ones who can tell us apart"

Kaoru said, fascinated. You high-fived Haruhi and smiled.

"Well I have to go, see you guys later!"

You said, grabbing your things and walking out of the music room.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 

Hikaru's pov

I looked at y/n walk out of the room. I couldn't believe she was able to tell me and Kaoru apart. I tried to brush off the moment but the more I thought about it, the more I could feel butterflies for some odd reason.

End of Hikaru's pov


Hikaru is starting to feeling something odd ahaha. Anyways, this is the longest chapter I've written so far. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

word count: 1478

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