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What's the saddest word in the whole wide world?


"You have been probably one of my frequent costumers you know" Mito says as she grabbed a champagne bottle pourinh one for her and Kaede

"What do you mean?" Kaede questioned in confusion as she drank her champagne

"Silly, you visit me everyday here in this nightclub and spend almost a fortune on drinks we both know is expensive" Mito chuckled as Kaede blushed in embarrassment

"Is it weird?" Kaede questioned Mito who was admiring the girl's eyes

"Yeah it's not like your gonna lose me"

"If I don't visit you everyday YOU might lose me" Kaede answered back to Mito


Suddenly a loud gunshot was heard by Kaede though it looked like Mito didn't hear anything

"Kaede? What's wrong you look pale?" Mito questioned as Kaede was unable to move or speak

"Kaede? Oi Kaede?" The sound then faded, The girl's vision went black but then seeing a white light getting bigger and bigger

"KAEDE! OI KAEDE! WAKE UP! can't leave me like this!...I don't wanna lose you too..."

Kaede Higuchi felt like she was missing something



"She was Almost in love
  They Almost fell in love
  She Almost lived
  They Almost made it"

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