Chapter 3

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It is Monday, 7 am.
I get up and go to the bathroom. Splash water onto my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair. I put on some baggy jeans and an oversized t-shirt.
I walk downstairs and make breakfast, avocado and egg toast.
Dad has already gone to work.
I sit down and eat my food while I check social media.
A message from Ali pops up on the top of my screen.
"feeling better, might go to school" It says.
"you sure?" I respond right away.
"yeah, just period cramps, remember?"
"okay baby. see you in a bit"
She doesn't respond, she never ends the conversation so I don't worry.
I finished my breakfast and put the plate on the sink.
I grab my bag and walk outside, close the door behind me and get in my car.
"want me to pick you up?" I send to Ali.
"yes pls" She answers right away.
I drive to her house and wait for her to come out. It is early so there isn't much noise, making it easier for her to hear the car engine.
My beautiful girlfriend comes out the house wearing jeans and a sweater. She smiles when she sees me and walks over to me.
"Hi, baby!" She says, getting in the car.
"Goodmornin'. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I slept the whole afternoon and night, damn."
"Wow." I slightly laugh.
I start driving to our school.
"Sorry for shortening the plans yesterday." She looks down at her hands.
"Hey, it's okay. We weren't going to do anything after anyways."
She gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"I love you so much." Ali says.
"I do more, baby." I put my hand on hers.
We get to school, say goodbye and go to our classes.
Second and third period are boring as hell, so I spend the time doodling on my notebook.
At break time, I find her sitting on a bench with Cristina and Megan.
"Babe!" Cris shouts and waves at me.
I sit on a side of the bench with then.
"Have you heard about the party Henry is doing on Friday?" Megan says.
Henry is a popular guy in our year. Has all the chicks he wants and mostly a spoiled brat.
"We have to go. It's a statement." Cristina claps her hands when she splits the last words into syllables.
"Sure, I'm down." Ali says.
"What about you, Laura?" Megan raises her eyebrows at me.
"Okay, let's do it." I smile.
"Yay!" The all say at unison.
Ali gives me a kiss on the cheek but then I move my face towards her, making her kiss me on the lips.
I see Megan and Cristina smiling and grinning.
Ali continues kissing me, not caring about people staring.
"Okay, girlfriends, we get it." Cris laughs.
After 7th period, Ali and I drive to my house.
"Ali, nice to see you here!" My dad says when we come in.
She walks up to him and gives him a hug.
"Dad, we're going to be upstairs doing homework, do not disturb." I say.
"Don't worry, darling. I have to go grocery shopping in like, ten minutes." He says looking at his watch.
Ali goes upstairs and I follow her.
She sits on my bed and takes out notebooks from her bag.
We start doing homework due for tomorrow.
Once I'm done with my Biology exercises, I lay down and face the ceiling.
I hear the front door close. Dad left.
"I'm almost done, wait." She announces.
I look at her, she's frowning, trying to understand the exercise she's doing.
I sit up and take the pen out of her hand. I put aside the notebooks and get closer to her.
She looks at me in the eyes and she's the first to kiss me.
I lay down and she's on top of me, kissing me passionately.
I grab her shirt and start pulling it up. She pulls away from my lips and sits on top of me, taking her shirt off.
She's wearing a light blue bra. She smirks and get's back to kissing.
Then I proceed to take off my jeans and shirt.
"Wait a sec, babe." Ali says, getting off the bed and pulling the curtains until they're closed.
She gets back on the bed and takes off her underwear.
"Holy shit, I had missed this." I say and take off mine.
She leans over to me and continues kissing me. I feel one of her hands contouring my naked body.
I had craved her so badly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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