"Oh, you'll come."

That's when you realise that despite all you've been telling yourself and your show of defiance to Van, you're not really still considering. You've already made your mind up. You watch him pour a glass of orange juice from the fridge and down it in one gulp, then he leaves the kitchen, not looking back.

 You watch him pour a glass of orange juice from the fridge and down it in one gulp, then he leaves the kitchen, not looking back

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The rest of your shift drags achingly slowly and by the time 3.30pm rolls around you've managed to keep your head straight, keeping busy, but you've not seen Van at all. He might have even gone out. You're beginning to think that maybe this is all a big joke to him. Maybe he's paying you back for being such a bitch to him all the time. You wouldn't blame him really. Nevertheless you find yourself wandering up to the second floor just before 4pm, and creeping down the corridor like you're some sort of trespasser.

As you look along the corridor, you note that the door to Van's room is firmly shut, but room 20 next door has the door flung wide open. Your heart's pounding as you peer through the doorway, but the room is empty. Now what? You consider your next move. You could turn round and leave, write this off as just another move in this frustrating game you've been playing. Or you could go in and wait, see if he turns up...

You slowly walk into the room, not quite knowing what to do with yourself. Lie down on the bed? You giggle to yourself at the thought, feeling ridiculous, but you're suddenly aware of a presence behind you and you quickly spin around to see Van standing there. He's looking at you with cold eyes like shards of ice and he's not smiling. You watch, an unsettling feeling descending on you as he steps into the room, turns around and locks the door. He has a key? What the hell have you got yourself into?

You find your voice. "Is that absolutely necessary?" You say, nodding towards the door.

"That depends..."

"On what?" You realise you're backing up again and you stop, not wanting to show your uneasiness.

"Whether you're gonna behave yourself..." he says, and he slips the key into the back pocket of his jeans.

This action raises your anxiety even more. But it's not an unpleasant feeling. It's that kind of fear you experience when you're about to take a step into the unknown. The thrill of risk and danger, but ultimately something exhilarating.

"Oh I'm a regular angel, just like you said."

He takes another step closer. "You gonna be a good girl for me then?"

"What if I'm not?" You say, maintaining his gaze. You're sure his pupils have dilated. His eyes definitely look darker.

Suddenly he's closed the gap between you and he's looming over you. "Bad girls get punished of course."

Why does every little thing he says turn you on even more? You can practically feel your body pulsing with desire.

For a moment you're both locked in a kind of stand-off, neither of you making a move. Your heart's beating so strong you wonder if maybe Van can hear it. He raises his hands which go to your waist and advances another step, then another which forces you to step back and pretty soon you feel your back come to rest against the wall.

Playing Hard To Get (Van McCann)Where stories live. Discover now