A trip to the bar

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                 Fast forward 3 month later
Mic has gotten a house and settled in, kinda. He quite his job at UA and spend most of his nights ether crying himself to sleep or drinking himself to sleep. One Friday night before his visit with Eri and Shinsou, Mic decides to go out to the bar. Once he gets there and gets his first drink he spots Aizawa at the other side of the bar. He has a couple of drinks before he decides to go over to him and talk, as he walks over, Joke goes over to Aizawa and kisses him on the cheek and hands him a beer. Mic stops right in his steps, Aizawa looks over and sees Mic standing there. "Hey Hizashi *Aizawa puts an arm around Joke* How have you been" Mic hasn't slept in days at that point, he hade bags under his eyes and didn't look well. "I've been-...I've been good" Mic puts his drink down, "I see your with Joke now.. Good for you guys bet you have lots of laughs." Joke stands next to Aizawa, "Yeah we've been dating about 2 about to be 3 months *laughs then stops*" Mic takes a moment to process how long the just goes and pays for his drinks. "Well Nice talking time you Joke and *looks at Aizawa* Shouta" He puts his jacket on and starts to walk back to his house, Stoping at a small gas station to get a pack of cigarettes. He also picks up some candy Apples for Eri tomorrow. Cashier "Is that all for you today?" He scans the things, Mic pay and grabs the bag without saying anything. He walks home with his head down and goes inside and sets the bag on the table and heads to his room and plops down on the bed. He still can't sleep, his mind is eating away at him. He talks to himself "How could Sho move on so fast-.....I guess he didn't really love me as much as I loved him.... I still love him...with all my hart.."  Mic sits up and looks at the time 3am.
    Aizawa POV..... Joke and Aizawa are on a date at a bar. Joke looks over at Aizawa "Babe is that Mic over there." She points to a skinny,tired looking, blonde man sitting at the bar taking shots. Aizawa looks over and sees him he freezes up. He hasn't seen Mic in person for 3 months.. "Joke... I guess Hitoshi was right, Hizashi did let himself go a little.. The kids are sposted to go with him tomorrow." Joke gets up "I'm going to go get us some drinks." She walks over to the bar and gets the drinks. Mic is walking over to Aizawa but stops when Joke comes back with the drinks and kisses Aizawa on the cheek and hands him one. Aizawa puts his arm around joke and notices Mic walking away, "Hey Hizashi, how have you been." Mic stops and puts his drink down. "I've been- I've been good, I see your with Joke now..." Joke responds and Mic left shortly after wards. Aizawa and Joke walk out to the car and drive off, Aizawa drops Joke off at her place and head back to his house we're Eri is sleeping on the couch and Shinsou is watching his phone. They have there bags packed to go over to Mic's for the weekend.

Part 3 will be up tomorrow, sorry if there is bad grammar.

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