Chapter 2 - Growth

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My first encounter with Danzo was something I wouldn't forget. Why? It was because I never felt so vulnerable in my entire life (the measly one year here and the earlier life combined). It happened the next day after Tsunade left. It scared me to shit myself (literally) that the man knew I was alone within a day. Then again, I should be glad that he didn't appear the next hour itself.

"He is sensei's blood. The last Senju," Danzo said to Hiruzen in his grating voice that sent shivers through my body.

"He is a baby," Hiruzen replied softly.

"Regardless, what have you decided to do with him Hiruzen?"

"I haven't decided yet,"

"I wouldn't mind looking after sensei's blood,"

Hiruzen didn't reply. The silence stretched a long time; at least it felt to me so. I imagined that they were starring daggers at each other. Maybe they were eyeing me. The anticipation of Hiruzen's reply was killing me. After all, it is going to decide my fate.

"Danzo," Hiruzen said at last in what could barely be called as a whisper.

Danzo didn't reply. If he indeed did, it was too soft for me to hear.

"The boy deserves to walk in the light, Danzo. It could be the last thing we may do for our sensei," Hiruzen replied causing me to release the breath I was holding in anticipation.

"Our duty to sensei is to make Konoha stronger. For that he needs to be a ROOT that supports this village," Danzo said without missing a beat.

"I will not deny him his childhood," Hiruzen stated firmly.

"You are becoming soft Hiruzen," Danzo accused.

"Maybe," Hiruzen replied without missing a beat and an ensuing silence followed.

After what felt like eons to me, Hiruzen spoke.

"Do you remember First Hokage's dream Danzo. He created this village so that young children like Hatorama here need not die. We both have seen how the world was before ninja villages were formed. We may have been too young to truly understand it, but we know what it was like. I think the best repayment we can do for sensei is to let one of his blood enjoy the labors of pain he went through. I think he would have wanted that."

"Sensei's legacy is the village,"

"And the village is made up of kids like him. And of all kids in the village, none deserves to enjoy the blessings of the village more than him. His family has given too much to this village. It is time the village repaid his family."

Danzo didn't reply. While I should have been glad that Hiruzen was not willing to send me to Root, I can't help but feel for the children that had no one to look after them.

"So, what are you going to do?" Danzo asked once more.

"I can take him to my home. Biwako has recently raised Asuma. She will know what to do with him," Hiruzen stated.

"Fine, I agree on one condition."


"Promise me that no harm will come to him, especially from the Uchihas," Danzo asked in a tone that brooked no argument.

I have to say that I was shocked to see that Danzo actually cared for me. The shock only lasted for a moment before I scoffed at the notion. No, most probably the bastard was trying to use me as a reason to get at the Uchihas.

"Uchihas?" Hiruzen asked in confusion.

"He is the last Senju." Danzo stated bluntly before I started to hear the telltale sound of cane tapping the floor which had woken me. I relaxed myself knowing that the danger had passed.

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