"Oh, Tommy that stuffs for horses." She says in disapproval.

"I am a horse."

"If you were a horse, they'd shoot you with these many broken bones." Charlie says, which Tommy only ignored before ordering more requests from Curly. "Get the black powder, Curly. Go. The black powder."

"You pay for a bloody hospital and you're using witchcraft?" He asks in confusion.

"I need to sleep in the open air and feel the boat under me, Charlie." He grumbles as they watch him rock slightly in pain.

"Oh, Tommy... you're just like your mother." Charlie says in a tone of sadness.

"Do you have a boat here?" He grunts out.

"Only the January. She's heavy. London will take four days."

"That'll do. Can you spare Curly?" Her brother asked causing Curly to look at Charlie in pure excitement.
"He'll be my doctor." He tells them, causing Curly to chuckle excitedly. Then God help you." Charlie scoffs with a slight smile.

"You have Tabacco, Curly?" Tommy asks.

"And tea and whiskey. Well, have you running around like a colt." He says with a wide smile, only causing Tommy to give a small pained smile his way.

"Ah, get him aboard. I'll fill her up." Charlie orders as they watch him help her brother up on his feet.
"If I sleep the whole way. It's Camden Town we're looking for." He informs the man who had him in his tight grasp.

"What business do you have in Camden Town, Tommy?" Charlie asks, clearly not minding if he was sticking his nose into something he wasn't supposed too. And of course, like always, Tommy ignores the question. 

"Elinor,  tell Polly she's in charge while I'm away. I'll meet you at Solomon's in four days." He informs his sister, before turning to the man. "And Charlie, If we don't come back, tell her she's in charge for good." He says before wobbling off with Curly by his side toward the boat.

When she arrived in the late afternoon in London, she casually made her way towards the backside of Solomons bakery just before sundown. As she walks past the many working men, they eyed her with interest as  she placed a freshly lit cigarette between her lips. While nearing the door, she eyed a tall lanky Jewish man with a clipboard.

"Who are you?" He asks clearly uninterested, causing her to force a sweet smile towards the man,  whilst tilting her head to the side slightly. "I have a meeting with Mr. Solomon's." She explains, only making his eyebrows raise & clear his throat, before awkwardly looking down at his clipboard.

"I'm afraid—Mr. Solomon's... doesn't take... prostitutes." He awkwardly explains while writing something on his paper, only causing her to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"Excuse me? I'm no prostitute." She gasps out, making the lanky Jew give a look of concern. "And even if I was.... that's surely no way to talk to a lady." She explains, causing him to immediately begin to stutter out an apology. "I-I didn't mean to offend you. Miss, but—It's just—He's not expecting anyone today." He quickly tries to recover, before looking over his clipboard with haste once again. "And he surely would've mentioned something in the paper about a beautiful woman visiting."  He adds clearly nervous, making Elinor smile proudly to herself.

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