Chapter One

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It feels unreal to be standing in front of my new home for the next four years and actually being happy about it. I never thought that I would get away from New York and all that it held for me but now that im here in Montana at the university I'll be attending it's like a dream come true.

I worked very hard to make it so that I would get a full scholarship to the University of Montana and when I found out that I got accepted it was the happiest day of my life. It was so easy to leave New York. I never had anybody, no family and no friends. I've been alone for as long as I can remember. Learning very quickly in life that other people will only bring me pain. So I never tried.

Now that I'm far away I have a new start on life. Maybe, and I'm hoping, I'll actually be able to enjoy myself. I might even make a friend. Atleast I'm hoping I can get one friend.

"Excuse me are you going to go in?" I heard a high pitched voice say behind me.

I turn around and look to see a girl about 5'8 with black long straight hair and brown eyes looking down at me with a disgusted face. All im thinking is I hope this isn't my new roommate.

I give her an apologetic smile and say "Sorry I was lost in my thought."

"Whatever just move you're blocking my way and I would like to unpack my things before the sun goes down."

I hurry to open the door and she charges in pushing me to the side on the way in. Almost making me drop everything in my arms.

"As you can see I obviously chose which side I'll be taking. And don't plan on trying to buddy buddy with me I'm not looking to be your friend." She says while towering over me.

Here's the the thing I'm 5 feet so sadly everyone towers over me and its always intimidating.

I just stare at her. I didn't think she would be so blunt but go figure it would be my luck to get a roommate that's a total bitch.

"What do you not know how to talk? Are you even old enough to be in college? You look like a child."

"I'm 19." I say quietly as I go to my side and set what I was carrying on my bed.

"Pfft you could of fooled me... Anyways my name is Alicia. Just mind your own business and leave me alone and we wont have a problem."

"My name's Skylar" and then I give her a nod to let her know I will not be bothering her. She doesnt seem like the person I'd want to make friends with.

I spend the next hour getting myself situated in my room. I didn't bring much stuff with me because I honestly dont have many things. Just some clothes and books.

Classes dont start for another week and I desperately need to find a job. So I head out to do just that.

As I'm walking around the town I see a little antique store that has a help wanted sign in the front. So I make my way over with ny fingures crossed.

When I step through the door I alert a old man that's sitting behind the counter. He looks up and smiles. I nervously smile back.

"Why good afternoon there young lady what can I help you with?" He asks still smiling.

I slowly make my way over to him. He has brown hair with grey speckled in it and blue eyes. His face is aged and looks to be around the age of over 50. All the older men I've met were always cranky and they looked it but he had the most warm and welcoming face I've ever seen.

As I make my way over to the counter I say to him, "I saw your help wanted sign outside and was wondering if I could fill out an application." I nervously fiddle with my hands.

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