in which they need to make decisions (and he doesn't know what to say)

Start from the beginning

"Hi," she greeted, smiling at him as he took his seat. "Sorry to call you here out of the blue. I just felt like this was something I should discuss with you in person and not through text." 

He raised an inquisitive brow. "Discuss? Am I in trouble?" 

She chuckled. Their lighthearted banter was her favourite thing in the world. "Yeah, mister. You're in trouble for wearing that hideous shirt, that's why I wanted to sit down and discuss your terrible fashion sense." 

He glanced down at his attire and frowned. "Is it really that bad?" 

"Really, truly horrible. Worst I've ever seen, if I'm honest." 

"Liz..." He whined, dropping his head in his hands. "No wonder girls don't talk to me." 

His comment created a meager jolt in her heart, but she didn't give it much thought and replied with, "don't think that's the only reason." 

"What? Is it my hair, too?" His right hand immediately went up to touch his brown locks. 

"Idiot," she snickered, rolling her eyes playfully. 

A waitress came around then and they ordered their drinks. When she was gone, Elizabeth finally decided to spill the beans. 

"Zanzibar Bay," she said, "what do you think about it?" 

"I've heard it's beautiful and located in Tanzania," arrived his answer. "Why?" 

"Mum, her boyfriend, and I are going on holiday there. We're leaving next week." 

"Really? That's cool," he grinned, but it wasn't as bright as it normally was. Thoughts of not being able to see his friend for a while made him sad. 

"Do you...maybe...want to come?"

He blinked at her in shock. "What?"

"Come with me," she replied, a new surge of confidence filling her unexpectedly. "It'll be so much fun. Two weeks by the beach, away from the city and uni stress." 

"Liz, I—" 

"I know what you're going to say, but hear me out: it's an all expenses paid trip since my mum's company is paying for it. You don't have to worry about that at all. Really, Mae was going to come, but then she bailed because she wants to take summer classes, and asking Vanessa isn't really an option. She hates travel. And you're the closest friend I have, Alfie. I don't want to be stuck with my lovestruck mother and her boyfriend for two weeks and have no friends there. Please come?" 

He looked out the window for a moment, contemplating what she had said. It felt like an incredible offer, and he was craving a vacation. But it was a lot to take from her. He already felt like he owed her for the concert. He wasn't sure if going all the way to Tanzania would be a good idea. Especially since he promised to spend time with Lania, his sister. 

"Let me think about it," he finally said, breaking the minute long silence that had had Liz on edge. "It's really incredible, honestly, but..." 

"I get it," she smiled, "you don't have to explain. I'm not going to force you to say yes if you feel like saying no. We're leaving at five a.m. on Monday morning. Let me know by Sunday if you feel up to it. I'll keep the ticket with me."

He nodded, "thank you. I feel like you do so much more for me than I do for you." 

"If either of us starts feeling like we owe one another things, then this friendship is going to fall apart quicker than it began." She said. "Don't feel burdened or indebted to me. I consider you my best friend, and with best friends, you tend to do a lot of things. I want you to come with me, which is why I asked. I wouldn't have if I didn't like you enough." 

Finally, a happy smile graced his lips again. It felt weird because even though it was only gone for a few minutes, Liz had somehow missed it. Thoughts like these were driving her a little crazy, but she pushed them away and smiled back at him. And then, like he had once made her do over text, she stuck out her pinky. 

"Lets promise not feel indebted to each other over anything," she said, "and lets promise to let our friends do things for us if they feel up to it. Okay?" 

He nodded again, laughing a bit as he wrapped his pinky around hers. "Promise." 


. . . 

Late Sunday night, when his call arrived, she didn't have any worries about what he would say. She already knew it was a yes. 

- - - 

author's note: sorry this was posted after months of long waiting. i know my "i'm sorry's" aren't going to cut it, but i apologize anyway for how long this took. i have been so busy, guys. trying to get your life together is a mission. i hope you lot enjoy this (even though it's kinda boring only because the next chapter they'll actually be at zanizibar bay and it's gonna get better, so i needed this posted first)! 

also, what do you think of the new cover? yeah or nah? 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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