Miracles Happen-Logan Thibault

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Request by sazzy15

When Logan got drafted, he was extremely worried about leaving me behind. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I wish it was. Then that way, I'd have a few more days with him.

I tried to be supportive, but how supportive can a girl be knowing she may never see her fiancé again?

The night before he left, I couldn't sleep. I still remember how it felt to lay in his arms, tears consistently streaming down my face. When he woke up, I continued to act like nothing was wrong. It wasn't until the drive to the airport that he finally spoke up.


"I know something's wrong," he whispered.

I took a shaky breath when he reached over and grabbed my hand, instantly intertwining our fingers.

"I don't want you to go," I said, barely audible.

"Y/N," he sighed.

"I know that serving is a great thing and risking your life for the country is honorable but. . . I can't lose you."

The sob I've been hiding from him all this time finally escaped. He scooted as close to me as he could and pulled me into his chest. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

"I will come home to you," he whispered earnestly. "I promise."


"We're so sorry, Ms. Y/N," the private apologized. His sergeant sent him a glare before clearing his throat.

"We will continue looking for Thibault's unit, but it would take a miracle to bring him home."

I was numb as they stood up. I stood up and escorted them out. Before they left, the young private stopped. He turned around and sent me a small smile.

"You never know," he said softly. "Miracles happen."

* * * * *

I woke up the next morning and immediately looked at the empty spot on the bed next to me. That's when reality hit me.

The army had lost contact with Logan's entire unit. My fiancé was missing in action.

I covered my mouth, the sob making my throat burn. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around them. I spent the next three weeks in bed.

My family and friends tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked. I didn't want it to work. The army tried to reassure me that they would continue looking for my fiancé, but they weren't entirely optimistic. They couldn't even pretend to believe that they were going to find him.

Eventually, I knew I couldn't go on like this. I found a counseling group that gathers once a week. It's full of people who have lost loved ones. Some of them were like me who lost someone to the war, while others had lost a loved one to some kind of illness.

Three months later, I was still going to group grief counseling but it wasn't helping much. I sat in my chair, playing with my fingers as people shared how they were improving.

"What about you, Y/N? How are you doing?"

I looked up to see everyone looking at me with encouraging smiles. I cleared my throat and shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I uncrossed my legs to instantly recross them.

"Well," I said, my voice getting caught in my throat again. "As you know, Logan's unit went missing a few months ago. Of course they sent people down to talk to me and apologize and promise that they are doing everything to find him but. . ."

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