Sleeping Over

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The moon never beams without bringing me dreams

"Kids! Trace is here!"

Elaine was in the process of re-braiding her hair. It was still a little damp from her shower.

Chase had jumped off the bed to go greet their friend. Elaine picked up May before following.

Trace was standing by the door, he had a bag with him which most likely contained his night clothes and toothbrush.

"Yo buddy! Come up!" Chase spoke and turned to go back up the stairs.

Their mother had walked off back into the kitchen. She didn't yell at him for wearing his shoes in the house.

Trace went up to Elaine and smiled, she returned it with a more nervous smile and led him up the stairs to their room.

Chase was sitting on his bunk again, trying to retrieve his cap from April. May jumped off Elaine's head to assist her friend in the tug-o-War.

Elaine jumped onto her bed and patted the space beside her, indicating for Trace to sit down next to her.

Trace slumped down beside her and smiled. He loved Elaine's part of the bunk, it was decorated with fairy lights and the walls held photos of her, Chase, eevee, Trace and others.

"What do you guys want to do?" Elaine asked the boys.

"No!" Chase cried. May and April happily jumped off the bed, an oversized cap was on April's head.

Elaine smiled and took the cap from the little yellow Pokemon. April gave a whine of displeasure as the cap she worked so hard to take was taken from her.

"How about we play lucario kart? The winner stays on and the loser watches the other two play." Elaine suggested as she threw the cap across the room.

"Sure!" Trace happily agreed. Chase leaned over his bed and smacked Elaine with a pillow.


"Fine, I'll set it up, " Chase hopped down to set up the game on their Nintendo switch.

Elaine watched her bother set up the console on the television. Trace wanted to say something to her but he didn't know how.

His words got caught in his throat when he tried to talk to her. Every time he looked into her wonderfully bright brown eyes, all sense seemed to leave him and the best he could do was smile at her.

She always made Trace feel better when he was down. Well.... She used to. Before she became champion and Trace didn't. Before she left to fulfil the rest of her great life and reach her full potential. She used to be there to make him happy, before everything changed.

Trace realised he was staring and flushed slightly. Elaine was looking at him with worried eyes.

Chase stood and flung one of the controllers at Elaine and then throwing the second one a little more gently at Trace.

"You two play first, I'm going to try get my hat back," Chase said with a hint of accusation a he shot a glare at Elaine.

Elaine just huffed a laugh and shrugged.

Champions of Kantoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें