"She was really apologetic and said it didn't mean anything and that she was drunk and it was just an in the moment thing." Kendall said, "I told her I need space - I just feel like I've been taken a fool. Like none of our friends know, but the fact she just did it when i was there just fucks me up."

"It's really shitty of her." Karla agreed, "Who's idea was it to not tell your friends?"

"It was a mutual agreement really." Kendall mused, shrugging, "I'm just kinda angry at myself that I still just like her so much and all I want is to forgive her, but I'm still just so hurt."

Kylie rounded the corner and her eyes widened when she saw Kendall crying.

"Kenny, oh my god, what's wrong?" Kylie said, rushing over to two of her sisters looking very concerned.

"Ugh well, Renell and I had been seeing each other." Kendall said slowly, not making eye contact with Kylie, "But last night she kissed this guy in front of me so yeah..."

"Are you kidding me?" Kylie said loudly, "That fucking bitch. How dare she do that to you!"

Kendall let out a humourless laugh and shrugged.

"It's whatever... I'm gonna try to forget about it for today." Kendall said, breathing deeply to try and calm herself down.

"Awh, Ken." Kylie said, putting an arm around her sister.

Karla sighed, before smiling as an idea popped into her head, "Shall we do some shots? Sure that'll fix it."

"Karla you can't solve problems with alcohol." Kendall said, before saying, "Go and get some tequila then."

Karla laughed and scurried to the bar to quickly get the glasses and the drinks. Meanwhile Kylie stood there feeling uncomfortable and unsure of how to turn this one down.

When Karla returned and poured them out with a grin on her face, Kylie interrupted.

"Wait." She said, causing her siblings to look at her suddenly, "I was gonna wait to tell everyone together, but I feel like this will also bring the mood up."

Karla and Kendall exchanged a confused look, having no idea where this was heading.

"I can't have the shot." Kylie said with a smile forming on her lips, the gap she took was enough for the realisation to dawn, "I'm pregnant."

"Oh my fucking god!" Kendall squealed, "I'm so happy for you."

"Awh! That's amazing, Ky!" Karla grinned, going over and bringing her sisters in for a tight hug.

Kylie laughed joyously and squeezed her siblings tightly, feeling emotional, "I love you guys."

"Love you guys too." Karla grinned, "Always big love for the other Jenner gals."

"Ew, never say that again." Kendall laughed, "But I love you guys and adore you both so much. Seriously, you guys are my best friends."

Karla kissed both her sisters on the head before stepping back to the drinks and taking two shots before passing another one to Kendall.

"Seriously Karla?" Kylie said chuckling, "Why two?"

In an obvious tone, she replied, "It's a celebration!"

"Oh of course." Kylie said, "But also don't tell anyone yet! Travis and I are waiting for the perfect time to tell everyone else, plus it's still pretty early days after all."

"Don't worry." Karla said, "I'm good at keeping secrets. It's just drunk Kendall who you have to worry about."


Kylie laughed, "Shit, you're right! Should have just told you."

"I can keep a secret." Kendall defended pouting.

Karla and Kylie laughed with each other, and Kendall couldn't help but smile at her sisters. Albeit they were mocking her at the moment, Kendall couldn't deny how much she appreciated them both.


ahhhhh i kinda hate this a lot so i am really sorry!! definitely went into a different direction as to what i had planned when i started writing this butttt i hope you guys like regardless haha.

butttt i was tagged by @number015 to answer these questions and so i will do just that below :)

butttt i was tagged by @number015 to answer these questions and so i will do just that below :)

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1. jessie
2. 19
3. hmm honestly probably when i poured pepsi all over my dad because he was sat on my chair hehe (whoops)
4. honestly to just be able to travel and experience different cultures
5. pretty cliche but new york or maybe mexico
6. honestly no clue but i'd love to work somewhere that let's me travel and isn't a 9-5 office job
7. jess?? then stupid ones my friends refer to me sometimes haha
8. yellow!!!
9. dark brown
10. brown
11. (for whatever reason it's not letting me upload but lock screen is camila cabello and home screen is one of my dogs toys idk why)
12. drunk, anxious, mess
13. probably michelle obama or jameela jamil because i just think they are both really strong women who i admire a lot
14. i don't think i have 'fans' but for everyone who reads this thank u very much :))))
15. honestly can't remember but it was a long ole time ago (mainly to read camren fanfics shh)
16. welll currently working on kendall imagines
17. lol yea probably a sibling or my dad when play fighting

karla jenner [a kardashian/jenner fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now