Chapter One

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Chapter one:

"Alexis?" my mother called to me from the couch as I ran down the steps. Sigh. What now?

"Yeah?" I responded in a hurry to go outside and play basketball with the boys from down the road.

"Well we need to talk to you honey." My mom said, motioning me to sit down in the chair across from the sofa where my parents sat.

I groaned in my mind and marched across the room to sit in the chair. There was an awkward pause before my mother smiled and then began talking to me.

"Alexis your father and I have been trying to have a baby for some time now and... "

"You what?!?!" I shouted cutting her off. I didn't want some little brat running around here getting into my stuff and telling on me. My mom looked taken aback but then my dad finished her sentance.

"Alexis we are going to be having a baby." He said grufflly, probably wanting to be watching football.

"And it's a girl!" My mother squeeled as if this was the best news ever. "Isn't that exciting? You'll have a little sister. Oh and you can help decorate her room. It will be so much fun!! Wont it?" She babbled

"No mom, it wont. I don't want anything to do with that baby." I said as I got up and marched out the door. I couldn't believe this!! Wasn't one child enough to keep them happy?!? I guess not.

Later that night my father scolded me for being so rude to my mother and grounded me for a week. I didn't care. As long as I didn't have to do anything for my "wonderful" little sister I was fine.

Well Arabella Marie Hales arrived three months later on July 12th. She had electric blue eyes and pale golden hair that was so fine it could hardly be seen. Just minutes after birth she had everyone in my family wrapped around her finger. Except me.

My parents may have spent the whole summer making me help paint the nursery and move in furniture and pick out names, but I still hated that squirming little thing in my mothers arms. After finally being snapped at by my mother for my attitude about Arabella I kept my feelings for her to myself. I decided I would just have to survive 5 years until I could move out and wouldn't have to deal with her.

When my parents finally were allowed to bring her home, they never left her side. Someone was always holding her, or singing to her, or laughing as she did something they thought was cute (like slobber all over herself like an idiot). It was so stupid. 

Every once in a while my mother somehow talk me into holding her. She would stare up at me with her big blue eyes and smile, but I would usually hand her back in less than five minutes.

Well as all babies do, Arabella grew up and became a toddler. And as she got older the more attention she got.

When she spoke her first word everyone cheered and clapped and laughed. When she took her fist step they hugged her and told her what a "big girl she was". Soon she was just like any other human. Only smaller.

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