Chapter Two: The New Arrival

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                                                                   *VIOLETS POV*

     I can't sleep, I've been up all night thinking about him. Considering that I'm dead, I guess sleep doesn't really have much use to me anymore. I hate it, the way it makes me feel to be so compassionate and curious. Yet, I just can't help myself.. this feeling of hatred and love at the same time drives me completely insane. Maybe I should just stop thinking about it, all the blood he drew, and all of the lust I have brought to myself, that continues radiating like heat, as I can feel that I'm still in love. I don't care about him, or at least that's what I tell myself at times. Nothing I do can detach me, or stop drawing me toward him. He draws me toward the darkness and deceased that lies beneath the surface of what it seems he is. This feeling will never leave, I know that now. And I am willing to let it stay. For what he did to us, I will never forgive him, but I am learning to forget, in time.

                                                                   *TATES POV*

     I can hear her, shifting around the rug of her room with the tender bottoms of her feet. It's time for me to do this. Everyone is asleep but us. I slowly walk up the wooden-spiral that leads to her room. I knock on the door softly and hear her say "Mom, is that you? One second i'm just changing my sweater." Gosh, her voice is so elegant, and broken. I panic in the moment and say "No Vi, it's me." Suddenly the room when silent and her body went rigid. I could barely hear her squeak out the words, "Come in, Tate.." Hesitantly, I shift my structure between the door and the frame.. careful not to open the door anymore because it squeaks very loudly and I don't want to wake the others. Gently, I close the door and face her. She is positioned away from me towards the window, not looking at me to hide the blush that runs across her cheeks.

                                                               *VIOLETS POV*

Why is he here?! Why now? Please don't let him do what I think he's about to do.. "Im sorry, Violet." I hear him whisper my name as chills run down my spine. Just hearing those words sunk my heart, and brought myself up as a whole. Its funny how he can do that to me. I can't handle myself anymore as I turn around to see his face, his beautiful and sorrowful face. I walk up to him, spinning my fingers around his gentle blonde curls until I quickly realize what it is that I'm doing. I jerk away, moving to my bed. He comes closer and sits on the very end of my mattress, making my throw blanket curl under the presence of him. "Some things have changed in me, Violet." he smeers out from his teeth. "You are my light. The only thing I have. Please, Vi... I don't know what I would do without you." I cant help it any more, the feeling I've always had suddenly became overwhelming and nothing else seemed to matter but him. I lean into his embrace and whisper... "I forgive you." 

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