"You're wasting your time, sister..."

I looked up at her. My heart was aching. A small part of me hoped that she was joking, but when I saw her face, that serious expression told me otherwise.

"Although I love you very much," she continued. "There is nothing you can say that'll make me want to go back there. Not now. Not ever."

I had to forcibly swallow the lump in my throat. The aching in my chest began to worsen. Roxy turned away from me and started to walk towards the ocean. It was almost like the gesture alone was telling me to leave...but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

I was determined to bring my sister home, even if I had to beg and plead all day.

"We were raised together!" I shouted after her. "We played together, we sang together! Do you remember none of that?"

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned her head to glare at me. "I remember nothing but a shadow...living in the shade of your greatness..." Her hands started to shake as she stomped back in my direction. "I remember all the years of embarrassment and shame that you felt whenever you had to be near me! I never, EVER want to live like that again!"

What was I supposed to tell her? That I didn't have a choice? That dad told me to act cold towards her or else I'd be punished? Would she even believe me? I decided it would be best not to find out.

"You won't have to, Roxanne!" I said while offering her a gentle smile. "Now that I'm queen, no one will ever hurt you again."

"But can you promise that?" she asked. I wanted to say yes, but deep down, I knew that I couldn't...so I didn't say anything.

She started explaining about everything she's experienced since leaving Volcano Rock City and how much her love for music has grown. I actually felt so happy for her. But, when she mentioned Titus, it was like I completely forgot who he was, and I couldn't stop myself from talking.

"Who showed you this?" I asked sternly. "Who controls the would-be queen?"

I regretted saying those words the moment they left my mouth. I never meant to say them in the first place! Roxy's eyes widened as her hands curled into fists.

"WOULD-BE QUEEN?!" she screamed. She pointed at her pearl head ornament. "I AM A QUEEN!"

I couldn't control myself. When she referred to herself as a queen, I heard a tiny voice in the back of my mind screaming, "Over my dead body!"

I grabbed onto her shoulders and yelled, "NOT HERE! You give up this power, y-you give up this pointless dream!"

I bit my tongue to regain control over myself. I never wanted to say that! What on earth was happening to me? I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes, because I knew I had ruined my chance to bring her home. But, I might as well try asking one last time...

"Come home..." I choked out. "Please...I miss you..."

The only thing she did was stare into my eyes, and remove my hands from her shoulders.

"I am home..." she said. "Now, you have overstayed your welcome. I think it's about time you left."

My heart broke when she said that...I wanted so desperately to bring her home, but, if this was what she wanted, and this beach was what she called home now, then I guess I had no other choice but to accept her wishes and leave empty handed.

She wasn't a kid anymore, and could make her own decisions. At least now I knew where she was, and I could hopefully visit her again soon.

Now, it was time to go home.

And I was about to do just that...when...

I suddenly started laughing. Why was I laughing? This wasn't funny!

I could feel my throat start to tighten and close up, almost like a pair of invisible hands were clasped around my neck and were slowly trying to strangle me to death. Even though every inch of my body was starting to go numb, I felt like a thousand knives were stabbing me over and over again. It hurt so much...

I could see Roxy start to back away from me as my vision was starting to go dark. I fought with all my might to stay awake, but that invisible force kept pulling me back into the abyss. I tried to speak, but I was drowned out by a laugh that didn't belong to me.

Just before I blacked out, the last thing I saw was Roxy turning away from me. I reached out and tried to call out to her, but she couldn't see or hear me.

Everything that I wanted to say was echoing in my own mind...

He was waiting for the perfect moment...now I was broken and completely helpless...and I was no longer in control of own my body...

Help...I can't...breathe...

What's...happening to me...? I feel...so...sleepy...

It hurts...


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