time for goodbyes | kuroken

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"how the fuck do you even get straight A's?!?"

kenma gripped the report card tighter as kuroo smirked. kenma looked up at the third year.

"i just did, kenma." kuroo replied, as he attempted a hair flip. kenma clicked his tongue in response.


"naturally talented kitty, natural talent."

the end of high school for kuroo was near, the graduation ceremony was in about 2 days, and kuroo was going to college soon. kenma was to be appointed captain, and things were changing.

they were in kenma's house, laying down their stuff and relaxing in the comforts of the blonde's air-conditioned room.

"kenma. don't forget to do the cheer before every match."

"but kuro, it's cringy."

kuroo turned to face kenma, who was on his nintendo playing a game. he pouted, and lay his head in kenma's lap. the younger boy didn't mind, and continued playing his game.

"the team's going to be different without you, you know?"

kuroo, who was staring up at the ceiling, nodded, his hair brushing against and tickling kenma.

"i'm... going to miss you."

"it's just one year kenma. you'll join me in college in no time."

the ravenet flashed a smile to kenma, who had paused his game to look down at his team captain. kuroo grabbed kenma's face, pulling himself up to press his soft lips against kenma's.

the taste of the vanilla ice cream kuroo had eaten.

the salt from the fries kenma had consumed.

they blended together, in such a perfect combination, like the two childhood friends. kenma wasn't ready for the goodbye yet, but it had to come. the kiss they shared was full of passion, their lips connecting their bodies together.

finally parting their lips to catch their breath, a deep red blush had found its way onto both their faces.

"why did you do that for?"

"i don't know, just felt like it."


graduation day soon came, and kuroo waited for kenma outside his home. as soon as he saw the blonde boy exit the door, closing it behind him, a large grin was plastered onto his face.

"let's go."

grabbing kenma's hand, they dashed towards their school, a few minutes before the graduation ceremony was to commence but they were still far away.

"i'm tired... can't we just walk...?"

"you can but i can't!" kuroo retorted, speaking in between breaths as they continued their journey towards school.

barely making it in time, they ran towards the auditorium, where the ceremony was held at.

confetti was in the air, falling slowly as the fans on the floor blew them up once again. a large red banner was hung at the top of the stage, which read 'nekoma high school graduation'.

kenma couldn't follow kuroo and sit with him, and as he came so late, got himself a fairly far to the back seat.

over at kuroo's side, he looked for where his class was seated at, and found an empty seat beside his team's libero, yaku.

"yo." he waved to the short male as he took a seat beside him. "you're late." yaku passed kuroo the graduation robe, to which the ravenet quickly put it on, and placed the graduation hat carefully on his head.

"yeah yeah, i know. kenma took a while to get out of the house."

he ran a hand through his hair, which surprisingly, wasnt in his usual bedhead shape. he'd successfully smoothed it down, the black locks still covering his right eye.

"alright alright settle down, welcome to nekoma high school's graduation ceremony. this year's graduating third years, please rise!"

kuroo, along with the rest of his third year counterparts, stood up and turned to face their kouhai's and parents. they took a bow towards them, as the audience clapped and celebrated the end of the high school journey they went through. they turned back to the front, where the stage was, and sat back down.

"hello and welcome to the final point marking the end of the nekomahigh school third years, who are graduating as of today. they have fought hard in their examinations, and done our school proud in external competitions. may you all enter your dream college and continue to gain knowledge for your personal growth."

the auditorium was soon filled by the sounds of clapping, and the occasional "congratulations!".

each third year class went on the stage, taking their final class photo. it soon reached class 3-5, kuroo's class.

he positioned himself at the back of the class, closest to the right. his classmates appeared short beside him, so he did bis best to crouch down lower to meet their height. doing that earned him a punch to his stomach from the libero.

with a click of the camera, the bright flash illuminating a shadow on the wall at the back of the stage, the final photo had been taken.


the two childhood friends met again at the train station, a few days after the graduation ceremony. kuroo was heading over to a college outside of tokyo, meaning that that meeting was the final one in a few months.

"take care of the team alright? oh and dont eat too much apple pie, you'll get fat."

"yes kuro. you take care of yourself too."

kuroo started walking away, waving to kenma from the back. the blonde clicked his tongue as he felt the tears build up in his eyes.


the ravenet turned back, kenma looking at his shoes while panting heavily from the shouting he'd just did.


he looked up at kuroo, their eyes making contact. he raised a hand to wipe his tears away, before giving a wide smile to the taller male, tears still pouring from his eyes.

his mouth moving from an 'o' to his signature smirk, he answered,

"of course."

he took a few more steps towards the ticket gate. turning back for the final time,

"you'd make a great team captain."

[1000 words]

(a/n: hey hey hey ! I've returned with a one shot~  i rarely write one shots now, but i have a lot of ideas for them. i tried to hit 1000 words for yall, so the ending is just h u h :/ but i hope you enjoyed this mini-piece for my return :D)

TIME FOR GOODBYES ; kurokenWhere stories live. Discover now