chapter twenty eight

Start from the beginning

"I didn't build it per se, it's really just storage space." Clay shrugged.

"Lots of coordination." Alex's eyes widened. "My brain injury hurts."

"How long do we have to do this?" Cyrus asks and Natalie sits up in her seat.

"Until we know 100% that he is better." Natalie nods.

"So forever?" Jessica asks as Justin begins to talk.

"People do get better. They do." Justin defended as Clay jumped back into the conversation.

"We get to summer and see how he is." Clay shrugs. "And maybe by senior year, it will all be better."


Natalie watched Chloe and Zach interact in the hallway, ending it with a kiss on the cheek. Natalie raises both of her eyebrows with a wink as Zach went by afterwards. "What?" He asked.

"Man, she says you're her hero but she's still fucking my brother." Natalie chuckles.

"Shut up, Natalie." Zach says with a smile that she had never seen before. A really, really happy smile.


"I think she goes to Sacred Heart." Natalie told Clay in the library now that she was back at school. "I haven't talked to her in a while."

"But guys seemed pretty close after Spring Fling." Clay suggests.

"Yeah but then her and Bryce broke up"  Natalie shook her head.

"Were Chloe and Zach ever anything?" Clay asked and Natalie looked around the library.

"Just friends." Natalie shook her head. "Chloe had major Stockholm when it came to Bryce"

"So you don't think Chloe and Zach had any secrets?" Clay raises an eyebrow.

"I know Chloe had secrets." Natalie shrugged.

"Like what?" Clay shakes his head.

"Like..." Natalie starts. "She was pregnant. By Bryce. As far as I know he never found out."

"Okay." Clay nodded nervously. "I'm glad you're back."

"Aw, does the Clay Jensen miss me after three days?" Natalie chuckled, causing an eye roll. "I'm just hoping this whole thing will blow over soon."


After her talk with Clay, she went out but was stopped dead in her tracks as she walked Monty mess with Tyler down the hall. After their conversation, she saw Tyler start to panic and quickly followed Monty into the boys bathroom.

He notices her quickly and gives her a confused glance. "Not sure if you ever learned how to read Natalie but this is the boys bathroom."

"Leave Tyler alone." Natalie states as she walks into the boys bathroom.

"Or what?" Monty shrugs.

Justin Foley | Love It If We Made It Where stories live. Discover now