Silent Tears

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The shuffling of servants feet were heard from outside the door, their voices a quiet hum. Winter rolled over and groaned. She hadn't got much sleep the night before, as Jacin refused to move from his bed. Which meant she couldn't get any sleep. Winter had to compromise, laying down on the soft sheets, Jacin's head resting on her shoulder, murmuring I love you. Kissing her once in a while, propelling her awake. He was too afraid to shut his eyes, terrified for the nightmares to come back.

It had been over a week since the funeral, where all Jacin did was stare at the headstone, silent tears rolling down his face. Where his mother had wept on his shoulder. He had whispered the words etched on the grave. "Garrison Clay. Faithful guard, loving husband, and fearless protector." That's what he was mumbling now, tracing the scars on the back of her neck, from the bioelectricity lock. Over and over.

Winter rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up. Her stomach gave a low rumble. She glanced at the nightstand beside the bed and grabbed the phone. Jacin wrapped his arms around Winter's waist and sighed sleepily. Winter stroked his head as she dialed room service. Jacin yawned and sat up. Winter ordered breakfast, toast and tea for two. When she hung up the phone, Jacin was lying back down again, covers pulled over his head. Winter patted the lump. Hands grasped her wrists and pulled her down, soft kisses greeting her.

"I love you," Jacin whispered, pulling her closer. "Jacin-" Winter said, slightly annoyed. This had been going on for a while now. Constantly kissing her, hugging her, touching her. Jacin couldn't seem to let go. Always whispering I love you. Usually Winter would enjoy this type of affection. But this was getting out of hand. Jacin pulled away, his big blue eyes filled with sadness. "What's wrong?" His voice had a slight scratchiness to it, the result of not using it for days on end. Winter brushed the hair of his forehead. "It's've been kind of......affectionate lately. And I'm tired Jacin. I barely get any sleep, and I never get time to myself anymore."

A tear streaked across Jacin's cheek. He rolled over, his back facing Winter, and was silent. Winter huffed and sat up, peering over Jacin. Tears were running down his face. Winter wiped the tears away and stroked his hair, whispering words of endearment. "Winter," he sniffed. "I'm sorry." Winter smiled and kissed his cheek, her annoyance was gone.

Jacin sat up and managed a weak smile. "I love you," he said. Winter giggled and kissed him again. "I love you too." Jacin rubbed his eyes, the dark circles under them prominent. Winter murmured, "You need some rest." Jacin slowly nodded, eyes drooping, when there was a knock on the door. A female voice rang out, "Room service!" Winter sighed with relief, getting up and opening the door. The hostess handed her the trays, and Winter thanked the girl with a generous tip and closed the door. Winter balanced the trays, feeling faint from the smell. She set the trays down on the bed. Jacin sat up eagerly.

Winter placed the trays and they ate happily. In between bites, Winter started feeling a little drowsy, and she could see Jacin was struggling to keep his eyes open. When they had finished, they stacked their trays on the bedside table. Jacin yawned and mumbled, "Goodnight Winter," lying down on the pillows. Soon he was breathing deep, happy sighs coming from him. Winter crawled in next to him, pulling the covers up, and soon she was asleep too.

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