Welcome back home (1)

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NOTE: This is a series of oneshots bc ion got the mind for an entire plot and I like pure moments so 🙈. This is in kataras POV, sorry you have to read so much.
     I'd say I'm pretty understanding, but I do have a limit for my patience. Being a mother of one little toddler isn't the easiest job, especially when you often do that job by yourself. I do have help from time to time, but he doesn't show up as often as I'd like.
I remember when I told Aang it wasn't easy dating the avatar, turns out it isn't any easier when you're married. I'm grateful for the time he spends with me still, but I miss him. Bumi misses him especially . But Aang has avatar duties to attend to.
I remember whenever I told him I was pregnant, I'd do anything to see that look on his face again. We're both still pretty young, 24(me) and 22(Aang). It didn't take long for us to get married, he was determined our lives were set out for us already so we didn't wait too much. He's an optimist, so he always knew we're meant together.
     I always get so distracted thinking about him, I never wanted to be that kind of woman to let a man roam her mind. But he became the source of my happiness so quickly. And now with a child, I have another source of happiness. I just wish he would come over longer than just a few days, but he has conflicts to settle.
    As I watch Bumi play with all the other kids outside, I see Aang in him. That smile must have been copied from Aang and pasted onto Bumi. He's so happy, he's only three but I hope he stays so outgoing. I can't stop watching him, and I can't stop laughing either as he scares off some other kids.
    As I'm watching over him, arms wrap around my waist. Then I see those blue arrows on the arms, it's Aang. I turned around immediately to hug him but Bumi got to him first, giggling as he attempts to attack him. Once Aang gets him under control with the snowballs, he picks him up and walks to me.
     "I missed you," I said.
      "I missed you too sweetie"
     We just hugged for a long time, with Bumi snug in the space between us. Aangs trip took especially long this time, due to an aspiring revolution, and it's not safe to take them down. I always get so worried when he goes off to calm things down in Republic City. Always so nervous he may not come back.
     After a minute or so we spoke. "I'm sorry I couldn't arrive back home sooner, they took down some villages and-," Aang starts.
     "Don't feel bad about helping restore peace, I know you do your best every time you go there, it's not an easy job to calm down people in a time of panic."
    He sighs, heavy. I can tell he was worried I'd be mad he took so much time to help things out, but how can I be mad at someone who only wants to save the world? I see it in his eyes that he feels relieved, like a weight has been lifted, am I that good at talking him down? But then he explains it.
     "I have good news for both of you, for us really." He says, definitely working up to something exciting. "...I'm going to be staying here for the next month, well, I get time off from everything for the next month."
     His smile is so wide as he says it, it's like he's going to explode. I love seeing him like this, but I also feel doubtful
    "Wait wait wait, the whole month? With us? I though there was a revolution to calm down." I ask.
     "There's a "revolution" every month. This one happens to be a bit stronger but not impossible to settle down. They have it under control, and I need to be with my family again."
     I felt like I might explode here and there, my heart raced and a smile burst into my face so quickly. He's home. He's here again, and he won't leave by the next morning. I get to wake up with him by my side, he's mine again.
    I couldn't help but jump straight into his arms, it's a habit. I just refuse to believe that we get all this time with eachother.
     I kissed him with all the love I felt in my heart, unfortunately in front of an audience (the entire tribe and Bumi). But I didn't care, it's us together again, I'm cherishing this.
     We walked hand in hand together, holding Bumi in one arm. As I said I'm a very understanding person, and I think that payed off, because now he's back to me, and we're happy.

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