Chapter 2

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"Okay!" The trainee below me yelled, my knee digging into her back as she called her surrender. "If you want to be a delta, you need to fight more. You cannot give up in a fight." I lectured and she nodded. Alpha put me in charge of preparing wolves to be the next generation deltas.

I was excited when I heard the news. It gave me a lot of responsibility, and respect. Not only did that mean he respected me, but that meant the younger wolves and everyone else respected me as well.

And respect in a pack is most important, along with trust.

Ever since Jimin and I went into the city the other day, I've been having continuous dreams about that mystery man.

It felt like every time I closed my eyes, he was there. Although I could never see his face clearly. It was always blurred, or I would wake up and forget the entire dream.

It was strange. After meeting those Vampires, it was like a trigger for my dreams. I'm not sure what my dreams mean, but maybe it's something huge. Special? Maybe if I'm lucky. Or it could be a sign that meeting my mate is close. I could only hope that's what it means. But I shouldn't always get my hopes up.

"Rein! Alpha has called an important meeting." Turning my head to another delta I nodded. "Training is over early today. Get plenty of rest and refuel appropriately." Nodding their heads they began to gather their things and go home.

I followed the other deltas to the meeting hall, where a once again thick atmosphere was being held.

We all sat ourself accordingly. Betas closer to the Alpha, and deltas a little further.

"I have some news." He spoke, all of our eyes on him. "They have sent another letter." We grew quiet as he places the piece of paper against the table. "My colleagues and I have decided that sending a letter might be too informal. So, to reciprocate that, we will be venturing our way to your land, to have a meeting with you, and your most trusted members. If, that is indeed alright with you? Please inform us on your decision. Sincerely, Kim."  The Alpha read aloud, all of us looking to each other in shock.

He wants to come here? But wouldn't that spike suspicion on the other pack members?

Raising my hand, I waited for him to allow me to speak. "Go ahead Rein." Bowing my head I began to speak. "If, we are trying to keep the pack members unaware of the whole situation, wouldn't it be suspicious if we allowed them to come here for a meeting?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"It would, which is why I am considering an entire pack meeting, to inform them of what is going on. I think it is fair for them to know about their pack and a possible threat to it." We all agreed. Keeping this a secret for long would allow wolves to grow angry, and begin to disrespect our Alpha. And that is the opposite of what we want.

"So the plan, is to shortly inform the pack about what is happening, and later we will allow the Vampires to join us for the meeting." Nodding our heads we waited for him to finish. "I will announce the full pack meeting through the mind-link. Until further notice, keep this information to yourselves. Dismissed."

I decided to go on a short run. It's been while since I've ran by myself, and with everything going on, it felt needed.

I decided to venture a new route this time. I heard there is a large waterfall a few yards from our pack's border, and I wanted to see it myself.

Running a little faster, dodging through the trees, I eventually made it to the stream, and looking up, was indeed a large waterfall. 'Wow.' My wolf said and I agreed with her.

Walking towards the water, I decided to drink since I was thirsty. As I was drinking, I smelled it again. 'That scent.' She said and I quickly looked above the waterfall seeing someone standing there. I couldn't catch his face, due to the bright sun in my way, but I knew he was there. I looked down to adjust my sight, before looking back up, and he vanished.

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