Part 2: Bruised Not Broken

Start from the beginning

"Alright. Our plan on raiding the Pollicle Place will be achieved tonight. With the help of my new found ally, I have perfected this plan and we put it into action tonight." Macavity yowled. Asparagus listened to the supportive cheers, and saw an image of this feared and powerful fiend beside him as a tiny kit...He noticed Macavity's ears perked up and he cast a sideways glance at Asparagus. The paler red tom realized that Macavity had a connection to his thoughts right now and had seen the image. Asparagus blinked and spoke in his head.

Your cats seem to appreciate you greatly. Asparagus thought.

Yes. They know what true power is. Macavity replied, his eyes narrowing a bit.

Well I know what true friendship is. Asparagus countered, arching an eyebrow. Mac blinked, and a flash of something briefly lit in his eyes before dying away.

Let's not start this right now. You are coming with us tonight. Macavity thought with a growl. Asparagus shrugged and smirked in amusement.

Hmm...I might have to take a rain check. Never much liked Pollicle's myself. He thought, showing Macavity the image of the time they had been chased all over the park by a small Pollicle pup who had been in heat. Macavity smiled, amusement lighting in his eyes.

Well too bad. You're coming. Macavity said, and chuckled out loud quietly. Asparagus shrugged.

Oh well...I tried. He thought, rolling his eyes...

Macavity snorted and explained the plan in full to the Hench-cats. A few groaned in disgust, but a look from Macavity silenced them. Then the tall lanky fiery tom led the way back up to his office and stuck the papers in the drawer before leading Asparagus back out into the hall and to the next room over. Mac opened the door and Asparagus blinked in surprise. Inside was a huge room literally coated in blankets and such, and all were red. The bed was an old humans bed, round and adorned in red satin. Macavity's scent lingered in here even more strongly than in his office. But the tall tom walked to another door and opened it. It led into another bedroom, smaller, with a smaller bed, but still blankets and pillows all over the place. A huge window was set against one wall and bright sunshine shone through. There were no other doors in this room, the only one being the one Asparagus stood in right now, as he gawked. Macavity smirked.

"Since you are helping out around here now you will no longer be considered a regular prisoner. You still have to stay here, and not run away, but you can sleep in here. Nobody uses this room." Macavity meowed. Asparagus nodded his head.

"Ok then. Thanks." He meowed. Asparagus felt a rush of kitten-like energy and dove head-first into a heaping pile of pillows. Macavity blinked in confusion and walked towards the tower.

"What are you doing?" Macavity growled scornfully. But suddenly Asparagus flew out of the pillows and tackled the Hidden Paw to the ground. Macavity was startled at first, but he felt no claws, and no pain and he realized the smaller tom was trying to play with him. He smirked in amusement and easily kicked Asparagus away. He landed and spun on the spot.

"You are an overgrown kitten, did you know that?" Mac asked, propping himself up on his elbows. Asparagus shrugged.

"I try." He purred. Macavity rolled his eyes in amusement and Asparagus leaped on him again, this time actually trying...and Mac was startled by the power behind the smaller tom. He realized that had Asparagus had fought back he might actually have had a chance of defeating him. Macavity pushed these thoughts aside and tackled Asparagus, rolling across the floor. They wrestled without hurting one another for awhile as they had as kits, before the two slumped against the pillows, and stared at the roof...There were several long moments of silence when the door burst open and a panicked looking guard darted in. Macavity was instantly on his paws.

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