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Lancelot's POV

We have finally finished finalizing all the paperwork that means we are now allowed to start building our new pack houses and other assorted buildings. It took over three weeks after I had already paid for the property itself to finish all the paperwork and get all the permits to build what we needed to build. At least the neighboring Alpha hadn't been any trouble nor his pack. The building crews still couldn't, even with all the paperwork in order, get to the property in a week then each building would take about a month to complete then add a week or 2 to get everyone's furniture and belonging there and we wouldn't be moving to our new pack location for at least a year. But something was bound to go wrong I could feel it.

"Hey Lotts" and that would be my Beta Liam. "yes Liam" I could tell my reply sounded frustrated and tired. "I just wanted permission to take Callie out to dinner, but if you need my help with anything we can reschedule," he hastily tacked the last part on as an afterthought. "No you and Callie go and have fun I just finished the last stack of paperwork anyways." Liam hadn't gotten to spend a lot of quality time with Callie cause of all the work on the Pack move which was stressing us both out he needed this. But hearing the way he says her name, and how his eyes light up when he thinks about her makes my chest hurt I'm a 19-year-old alpha still without a mate. You are first able to find your mate at age 17. I have been looking for him/her for two years with absolutely no results. I'm hoping this move will not only be good for my pack but also me.

I'm really hoping my mate is in the Silver Crest Pack. But I won't get to find out for a year. I really hope he/she accepts me I honestly don't know what I would do if my Luna rejected me. And I know I'm not supposed to care what their gender is but I'm kinda hoping my mates male. The werewolf society teaches their kids from a very young age that you accept your mate no matter their gender or sexuality nor yours. A few generations ago there were all the sudden a lot of same-sex mates and no one had seen a same sex mate in a few decades so to have like 28 in one year and for them to all be Thirds, Betas, and even one set of alphas. Was a bit of a shock to everyone. A lot of mates got rejected and it tore our society in half and took us a few years to put ourselves back together. So now we just don't reject our mates if you do you are shunned and disowned. There are even some legends that say your wolf will leave you as well and you'll be nothing more than half a human.

Liam's POV

I'm really happy my brother/alpha/best friend said I could go to dinner with my mate, but there is no way I missed that flash of pain in his eyes. I really hope he finds his mate in Silver Lake and if his mate hurts him I will personally gut him/her. Lotts as me and me alone call him is my older brother by a year. We were inseparable growing up and we still are, but after his 17th birthday he kinda shut everyone out including me that only lasted like 2 months though because we had school and training to finish he graduated early so he could take over for our dad. Dad just wasn't the same after mom was killed. I graduated early a year latter. Callie and I met when we were 14 and new we were mates even then. 3 years latter at our birthdays it was confirmed and we have been so happy and completely inseparable. Then the worst thing ever happened a developer started buying up the edges of the forest surrounding our pack land in a few years the whole forest would be gone so we had to get out of here fast. Lotts and I traveled around for weeks till we found Silver Lake there was another pack on the other side of the human town from us but Lotts said he met their Alpha and his Luna at an alpha meeting and said they were very reasonable and kind people he wouldn't mind being neighbors with so I hope everything goes well. We will be living on our new land in our new houses in a little over a year and the pack is every excited and so are we even if Lancelot doesn't know how to show it I can still tell.

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