no bodys pov

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Gigi goode is a senior in high school, she was a popular girl friends with Rosy thorn Symone and Nicky doll.

Her older sister was Jackie cox who is now a ceo with a million dollar company.

Gigi was gorgeous and everyone wanted to be her or be friends with her.

Well except Crystal Methyd, Crystal gave no fucks about what people thought of her Crystal was a proud lesbian who smoked a lot of weed.

Crystal and Gigi used to be best friends until Nicky moved to L.a from France and Nicky and Gigi were the 'best friends' that everyone wanted to be.

Crystal now is friends with Lux Daya betty and Degaen michelle.

They had a pretty good reputation in the school nobody hated them but they weren't as popular as Gigi but they didn't give a fuck.

third persons pov

"JACKIEEE" Gigi said while walking into her sisters house

"Hi Gigi!!" Jan said. Jan was jackies girlfriend but jan was also crystals step sister just like Jackie was Gigis step sister.

"Hi baby geege" she heard her sister say

Gigi hugged her sister she then heard

"janifer whos here?"

she looked up and saw Crystal

"fuck" Crystal mumbled

"hello to you to Crystal" Gigi said while rolling her eyes

"you know each other" Jan asked

"yeah Gigis a bitch remember" Crystal said while looking at her older sister

"fuck you too" Gigi says

Jan just awkwardly laughed and looked at Jackie

"Geege what did you need?" Jackie asked

"oh um I needed to tell you that mom wants Jans family over for dinner tomorrow" Gigi said while smiling "Crystal isn't invited" Gigi said seriously

Jackie rolled her eyes and looked at Jan Crystal and Gigi stood there awkwardly

"Gigi Crystal go upstairs im going to talk to Jan real quick" Jackie said

the two girls walked up the stairs making sure to  keep a distance once they got to Jackie and Jans room Crystal sat on the bed and Gigi sat at Jans vanity and looked at her phone until she heard crystals phone ring. Crystal looked at it, it was her best friend lux. She quickly answered

"hey gorgeous" Crystal said to lux

"hey love um do you wanna come over tomorrow as like a end of the year dinner?"

"omg of course lux. Whos going to be there" Crystal said while smiling

" Daya Daegen Tiff and me" Lux said giggling

"ok ill ask my mom real quick then ill text you and let you know" Crystal said while smiling

"ok bye crys love you" lux said

"bye love you too" Crystal said before hanging up

she quickly texted her mom.

" your moms going to say no" Gigi said while looking up from her phone

"why do you say that" Crystal said giving her an attitude

"because youre having dinner at my house"

"not going" Crystal stated while looking at her phone

"rude" Gigi mumbled

"fuck off Genevieve" Crystal said while rolling her eyes

" what the hell Crystal I did nothing to you, why do you hate me so much?"

"  you really want to go there Gigi'" Crystal said while raising an eyebrow

Gigi looked at her Crystals eyes were watering a tear slipped but Crystal quickly wiped it off and looked at Gigi and just sobbed, Gigi quickly got up and sat next to Crystal. Crystal looked at Gigi and Gigi opened her arms Crystal looked at her and leaned into the hug. they hugged until Gigi realized Crystal was asleep. Gigi didn't know what to do so she lied Crystal down and she went to leave the room

"stay" Crystal mumbled while holding Gigis hand

Gigi nodded and lied next to the shorter girl who quickly cuddled into her. Gigi cuddled Crystal and quickly fell asleep

' im so fucked' she thought

"sleep well Crys ive missed this and you" Gigi said quietly thinking the Mexican girl was asleep

'ive missed you to' Crystal thought ' I haven't stopped loving you geege' Crystal quickly got that thought out of her head and fell asleep.

While Crystal was sleeping Gigi couldn't stop thinking maybe she still love Crystal Elizabeth Methyd


word count~ 700

a/n hi sorry if I have typos I hurt my hand and im using my computer but I hope you like it so far multiple ships will be mentioned!!! Xx


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