Oh My God, They Were Roommates (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

He found himself bumping into some kid with a shock of blonde hair and spilling his drink on the guy's shirt. ''Fuck, sorry man.'' Jan winced. The boy wiped at his shirt. ''No effin' way, dude! I'm straight up not having a good time right now.'' Janus nodded distractedly as he tried to spot Remus, only to find the guy shouting in his ear. ''Did you know somebody broke my vase? Yeah bro. I was all like, ''Who broke this vase?'' but nobody owned up. And that was the last thing my grandma gave to me before she died. I swear to all things football and/or skateboarding that I will find it. I nearly ended up crying... incredibly manly tears...'' his words faded out as Janus pushed past him, determined to find Remus and make sure he wasn't at the centre of something chaotic and/or illegal.

He was incredibly relieved to find him, dancing on a table next to a girl with neon pink hair, who had something white and powdery scattered down her jacket. Okay. Not so chaotic. Maybe a tad illegal.
"Remus! Thank Goodness. I thought you'd gone off to vandalise something, you dumb fuck. I think I'll let myself into the dorm. Sorry for second thoughts, but this isn't for me. Oh and, if you see a blonde dude, tell him Janus says sorry."

Remus turned to face him fully, and Janus' heart dropped in seconds. Remus was wasted. He laughed and grabbed Janus' wrist, words slurring together painfully. "You look like... the rat! From... from flushed away," Remus tripped on something on the table and slid to the floor. "But if he was cute."

Janus cleared his throat and sized up the people Remus had been talking to. They were all looking away and pretending not see, obviously not caring. "Um. Hey. Are you his friends?"

They talked louder, Janus trying again. "Uh. Guys. Excuse me?" Someone spun around, looking sympathetic. "You his new roomie? Unfortunate. Good luck with that one." The group laughed & tittered and before he could turn away, Jan piped up. "Are you guys friends, or...?"
"He's good for a laugh." He shrugged and turned away. Janus turned his focus back to his very intoxicated roommate and tried not to think about the rage bubbling up inside of him. How dare they use Remus as someone to laugh at? Remus was more than just his weird persona, he was kind and intelligent and considerate and - ah. Janus would have to deal with these feelings later.

"Where's Joe, Jan?"
"Um, who's Joe?"
"Haha! Joe! Joe-?" Remus forgot the joke and scowled as he tried to remember it. Janus had no other option but to physically drag the man, whilst ignoring his weird babbling. ("Are you made of cake?") This was not easy, considering how tall Remus was. "C'mon, Remus." Janus led him through the building, people giving them strange looks. "What game are we playing, Jan Jan?"
"You're the princess and I'm," Janus paused, trying to find an exit amongst the tightly packed people. "I'm the knight... coming to save you?" He regretted it instantly as Remus cackled. "I'm a princess!! I'd be the prettiest! Better than stupid... princess ROMAN."

They finally found their way outside, and as soon as Remus saw the grass he stumbled over and threw up in the bushes.


Remus woke up and found himself in bed, tucked in with a blanket gently placed over him. But he didn't remember going to bed? He rolled over and checked his phone - it was noon, and Saturday. That's when the hangover hit him, head throbbing. "Fuck!"

Janus walked in fondly. "So you woke up, huh?"
"Obviously, you idiot. If I wasn't I'd b-" He stopped and identified the scent coming from the kitchen area. "Is that bacon? Bacon's my favourite!"
"Yeah." Janus settled down on the bed. "I'm making you breakfast in bed. And you'll need a glass of water, obviously."

Remus fought back a smile, trying to sound gruff. "What's all this about?"
"It's what friends do." Janus picked at his sweater. "Speaking of friends, you need new ones."
"You don't know shit about my friends." Remus scowled as the memories of the party came flooding back to him. He groaned.

"I'll give you some time alone. You had a lot to drink." Janus stood but Remus tugged him back down. "No, stay! Uh, when'd you get up?"
"Early. I called Logan and read for a bit."
Remus snorted. "Thrilling, Snakey."
A wry smile came to Janus' face. "At least I'm not going around telling people someone broke my grandma's vase. You should've seen this guy last night. Probably broke it himself."

"Oh my God. You met Joan!" Remus started laughing hysterically. "People always tell me I'm weird, but Joan is something else."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, until Remus spoke up. "You're hot as fuck, you know that?"

Jan tensed up, face dark red and heart thumping in his chest. Oh my God. What was he meant to say? Janus knew he liked Remus, but he had never anticipated this.

Fuck, you screwed it. Nice one, Remus.

Remus watched Janus fidget. "I fucked up. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I always do that. I-"

Janus shook his head with a smirk. "No, actually. I was gathering my thoughts. I could say the same about you," he purred.


Remus sat open-mouthed. Nobody had ever responded to his strange flirting like this!

"Goddamn," Remus mumbled, staring longingly at Janus' lips.

Janus stopped and swallowed. This was really happening.

He nodded.

Ree surged forward, almost angrily, to kiss him with a passionate force, Janus cupping his cheek & parting his lips in no time. "Oh, Jay..." Remus sighed as he felt Janus snake (ha) a hand round to the back of his neck.

Them: hey haha can we keep kissing
✨ Need for Oxygen: no ♡ ✨

Janus pulled away with a smile, before crinkling his noise. "Ew. You need a shower."

"Don't be a bitch!"

Janus had no idea what he had let himself in for, but he knew it'd be fun...

... Plus, having your boyfriend as your roommate didn't sound all that bad. Even if he was a little unhinged.

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