Laser Tag

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:) ^ is the prompt for this fic!

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:) ^ is the prompt for this fic!

Genre: Fluff!!

Trigger Warnings: The l0rd'5 n4m3 in v41n, mentions of breaking a spine, disclaimer that I don't really like this one because it's kinda short & seems rushed but :( oop

I love you all 💗💗 Stay safe!!


"Come onnn Snakey, what'd you have to lose?" Remus groaned, head falling back into the air. He was dangling upside down from Janus' desk.

Janus looked up from his computer, hissing slightly. "It's ridiculoussss. Anyway, the light sides are always manipulating us into their little 'games.' Why should this time be different?"

Remus cackled in a way that would be unnerving to some. "It'll be fun, I promise. And I'll help you commit tax fraud afterwards." He added this quickly. Janus hummed and tapped Remus on the nose with a gloved finger, and earned a surprised giggle that made the snake-like side want to melt. "Fine. You've convinced me. For now." Remus sprang up quickly in a way that any other normal person probably couldn't pull off without breaking their spine.

"Thanks DeeDee! It'll be so worth it!" Dee hummed as he rushed off to tell the light sides. When Janus was sure he'd gone, he closed the computer lid and sank into his chair with a grin, cupping his face with his hands. Remus always managed to win him over; it was like he knew Dee couldn't say no to him. And his adorable laugh. And his gorgeous smile. An-

Dee snapped himself out of it. 'Stay composed.' Laser tag was soon, and he needed to focus on getting ready.


Remus was beyond excited. Janus had finally agreed to go do something with him and the light sides! He'd never wanted to do movie nights or sleepovers before. He sighed dreamily and ventured to Patton's room to tell him.


Timeskip to the mindscape living room :)

There were arguments on how to get there, of course. Roman crossed his arms. "Padre. Just summon one!" Patton fiddled with his cardigan and frowned. "But boys, that way it won't be a proper laser tag game!" Logan stepped behind him and slid an arm around him. "It's okay, Pat. We can take a car there, in the imagination." Patton giggled. "Thanks, Logey!"

Logan kissed his hair and went to get the car keys, before forgetting something. "Uh, guys? The car only has five seats..." Patton looked towards Logan, who sighed. "Pat, I have to drive. Roman?" He glanced towards Roman and Virgil. "I am not having emo on my lap!" Roman looked away with a blush. Virgil rolled his eyes. "I feel the same."

Logan folded his arms. "Well how are we going to-?"

"I'll do it," Janus croaked out quietly, voice hoarse. "I'll sit with Remus, if he doesn't mind." Remus wriggled his eyebrows. "Ooh, Dee! But sure, I'm up for it!" Logan pushed his glasses up. "Satisfactory." Roman, prince-like as ever, pulled open the door and let Virgil climb in. Virgil took the window seat, Roman the middle, which left them the other side. Logan and Patton were in the driver's and passengers. Dee sighed and settled into the window seat nearest the door, sighing and looking up at Remus. He patted his lap reluctantly.

Remus jumped on, bouncing his leg with excitement. Dee pulled the door shut with a slam and Logan started up the engine. Remus leaned back against Dee with a grin. "Dee, the seatbelt!"
"I can't fit it over both of us, you-"
"Hold me then!"

Janus flushed, reluctantly wrapping both his arms around Remus' waist and closing his eyes.
Remus was talking to Patton animatedly and Dee squirmed, trying not to focus on an over enthusiastic Remus shuffling about in his lap.


Luckily, it was a short ride and Dee was just glad he could get out. When they got there, everyone was handed vests & guns. Roman had brought a little box with everyone's name on paper slips. He shuffled it around and picked out two names. "On my team are... Virgil and Remus! Sorry, Jan."

Janus huffed. Great. Now he was stuck with the lovebirds. He shrugged. "It's whatever. Let's just start the game."

Each team got into position in the arena and they waited.




The game's operator counted down the start of the match, and Janus was off, expertly speedwalking through the darkened room. Dee crept round a corner, keeping low.

He repeated a reminder in his head that the opposing team's target would be red. He crossed a bridge, always keeping his eyes and feet moving.

Shooting at any sound he could hear, he walked up a ramp and turned a corner, finding a wall with a dead end. He stopped against it to catch a breath, but no less than five seconds later he heard footsteps pattering towards him and suddenly, Remus was in front of him. He brought his gun to Remus' chest target by instinct, but Remus' was also facing Dee.

"Heya, Jan!"
"Remussss, I swear to God-"

"I just wanna talk!" Remus lowered his gun and stepped closer to Dee.

"Jan, I enjoy your company."




"Like, a lot."

He was inches away from Dee's face. Janus swallowed firmly. "Remus creativity sanders, what the hell are you-"

And Remus kissed him. He kissed him for all he was worth, pushing Janus further against the wall. Dee squeaked before foolishly dropping his gun, leaning up on his tiptoes to wrap himself around Remus. Remus slipped his tongue in and Dee moaned softly as they kissed, enjoying every minute of it.

The warning chimed one minute remaining in the game, and the sounds of the other players began to come closer.

Suddenly, in one quick move, Remus stepped backward, readied his laser gun, and zapped Janus' chest target before turning on his heel and striding away.

As the tone signaling the end of the match rung out, Janus picked up his gun and traced his fingers over his lips in shock, before jogging off to catch up with the others.

"Wait, Remus! Come back!"

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