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The start of summer - six weeks of sunshine, barbecues, hot-tubs and mocktails. At least that was how it was to be for everyone else - not me though.

The screen of my mobile glares at me and I glare right back - The group chat is particularly busy at the moment - Paula and Kelsey making plans together, deciding where to meet, the gnaw of jealousy in my gut is practically unbearable.

I toss the phone onto the pillow beside me, I should just mute the group - seeing my besties plan their summer together is something I really don't need right now.

Outside the sky is a pale periwinkle blue with puffs of cotton candy clouds scattered here and there, it is going to be a gorgeous day, of course, it doesn't really matter - a hole could appear in the sky and eat up the sun, a torrential downpour could blast down and flood the streets for all I care, because in a few hours, I, Myra Dove, would no longer be here in Oasis Springs, I'll be on my way to Sulani - to spend time with him.

"Myra! Are you awake? 1 hour!"

"I'm up, Mum!" I shout back -perhaps a little louder than is necessary, I begrudgingly drag my legs over the side of the bed and eye my suitcase next to the door.

With a huff I drag my sorry butt out of my room and onto the landing.

The sweet lyrics of some pop song drift up to my ears from the kitchen downstairs, followed by the scent of breakfast - bacon and maple syrup pancakes, it seems. My stomach gives an involuntary grumble as I descend the staircase.

'Ah, there you are, My, I figured you'd be up ages ago! Aren't you excited?'

Mum holds me at arm length and eyes me expectantly, she's dressed in a baby pink halter top and white shorts, her toned arms and legs are beautifully tanned from her use of the sun beds and her dyed blonde hair is piled onto her head in such a manner that I can't help but think of a pineapple.
'Sure,' I shrug - there's no point in explaining my feelings to her, she wouldn't understand.

'Me too! I know you'll love Sulani and Pete - I mean, your father, can't wait to see you after all this time,' she glances at me, taking in my features - 'I bet he'll be so shocked to see how beautiful you are!'

I shrug and roll my eyes, 'Mum!' I groan.

'Pancakes are ready!' Comes a voice from the kitchen.

'Is that Tony?' I hiss, frowning at my Mum.

'Yes, it is,' she replies in what I assume is supposed to be a stern manner, 'it was easier for him to stay the night here so we can catch our flight together in good time-'

'What happened to taking it slow?!'

Mum ignores me, practically skipping into the kitchen with a smile so wide I'm afraid she'll injure herself.

'Myra,' Tony places a stack of pancakes before me on the breakfast bar, 'how much maple syrup would you like?'

I meet his warm brown eyes which peer back at me with some sort of amusement. Tony is alright, another man in a quick succession of my mother's boyfriends. He's irritatingly lovely, funny, witty and compassionate.

The nicest boyfriend by far, which worries me. I'm used to acting indifferently to all these guys my mum ends up dating, insisting they're her soulmate, that this is the one etc. It startles me to think that if Tony actually were 'The One' I'm not sure I'd mind.

I take the syrup out of his hand and drizzle it over my pancakes before handing it back to him and he laughs, 'or just do it yourself,' he smiles and my mum stares at me pointedly.

'First day of our holidays, ladies!' Tony cracks an egg into the frying pan, 'this summer is going to be one to remember!'

That's for sure.

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