Chapter 4

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I pull out my phone and call Waverly as I sprint towards the house, barely making it without slipping. It is just as cold inside the house as it is outside, which tells me this door has been open for a while. 

Everything inside is destroyed and in disarray. Waverly definitely didn't go easily, she may not have Earp blood but she sure as hell can fight like one. Her phone rings until it reaches her voicemail. 

"Hi, this is Waverly Earp, I can't come to the phone right now but please leave a message!" God, I can hear her smile through the phone. Where is she?

I run upstairs to our bedroom: still and untouched. I run to Wynonna's bedroom: still and untouched. I call Wynonna as I keep searching the house for any sort of clue, my hand resting on my gun as I rush around. 

"Hey, Haught Stuff" Wynonna answers.

"Where the hell are you?" I yell, still searching for something, anything. 

"Jesus Nicole, still got your panties waded up from the meeting earlier?" She's getting defensive. 

"I'm at home, Waverly is gone and the house is a wreck. Where the hell are you?" My voice cracks.

"Shit Nicole, you should've led with that, I'm on my way. Check the barn." She hangs up.

Of course, the barn, maybe she's in the barn tying up a demon or vampire or something of that manner. Maybe I freaked out for nothing, yes, of course, she's just fine, she's in the barn. 

I rush out to the barn, taking my gun out of the holster and kicking the door open. It's empty. Waverly isn't in the house, she isn't in the barn, and she isn't with Wynonna. There's broken furniture and blood everywhere and she isn't answering her phone. 

I fall to the ground, I can't breathe. I can feel my chest heaving, but I am suffocating. The world is spinning and Waverly is nowhere to be seen among the dizziness. I feel Wynonna's arms around me but my body is numb. Everything goes black.  

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