Chapter 2

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I hope I never get bored of that smile. That smile that crinkles her eyes and scrunches her nose. The smile that she hopefully saves for only my eyes to devour. She walks towards me in almost a skipping type way, the Waverly way. She greets me with a soft and quick kiss as if she is saying I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't resist and I meet her in the middle with I know and I forgive you

"Ready?" She smiles again. 

I answer her with a smile of my own and we start walking, I, with my usual long stride, and her, walking her way, the skipping type way, the Waverly way. 

We reach the conference room and our short moment is over. Waverly opens the door as I follow her, closing it softly behind me and continuing to walk over and sit in the open seat next to her. There are donuts placed in the center of the table with two coffees next to them. The white powder already sprinkled over the table tells me two things, Wynonna is the leader of this meeting and she is really trying to convince us of something. 

"'Sup lovebirds, break the sound barrier on the honeymoon?" Wynonna says with a slight giggle. She never fails to make herself laugh, at least someone's laughing. 

Waverly blushes and I give Wynonna that look that says very funny and not a total lie but I don't have much time here. Wynonna understands this look and continues. 

"So I know that since the whole Bulshar thing and Nicole's panties being invaded by a demon and whatnot you guys haven't been super interested in the supernatural, so today we are going to change that." She explains while sipping her coffee and waving her gun around. 

I love Wynonna, I really do, but sometimes her tactics seem a bit targeting. 

"Oh God Wynonna, I'm not really sure that is something we can just decided here on the spot without any private converstation." Waverly explains, I can hear her guilt through her teeth, denying her sister anything has never been easy for her. 

I know that Waverly is making this excuse for me, I know that she stopped all this working for me, I know that she gave up her passion for me. I have never been one for giving up, but sometimes it gets too much. 

"Oh right I forgot you two are all together in sickness and eternity or whatever" Wynonna responds in a dopey tone. 

"Not quite the promise but you get the outline I guess" I respond. Wynonna shoots me the look of I have a gun in my boot, Haught.

"Listen Wynonna, we love helping you and the citizens of Purgatory but we need time to discuss this. Can we have another meeting tomorrow? Same time?" I plead. 

"Fine, whatever, but you have to bring the donuts." She says as she shoots out crumbs and powder. 

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