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Macarena is silent pursing his lips, examining the wall opposite.
She doesn't know what to do.
There were almost no people left in the shower, she came only twenty minutes after talking with Sarai.
The girl slowly undresses, getting under the shower and completely oblivious to the fact that she was left alone in the room.
She thinks about Zahir.
Maka can't stop thinking about that incident. Something clicked inside her. It burst out, making her want to feel Zulema's skin beneath her palms.

It takes a couple of minutes before she senses someone is present. Maka slowly looks up at the blurry reflection of the bathroom tile. She doesn't even need to turn around to know that this is Zulema and that she is evil.
The girl turns slowly until she meets Zulema's gaze. Green eyes burn with cold fury, and lips are twisted in a wild grin. Zulema is like a lion that drove its victim into a corner, and now will begin to tear it to pieces.
Maka feels alarmed. It is not known how this woman will behave, especially after everything that happened.
Zahir is silent. It can be seen as a woman is pondering something. Most likely, how to make Ferreiro pay for her behavior. Macarena watches, fascinated, as the brunette's tongue runs over her teeth, slides onto her lips and stops behind her cheek, after which Zaire breaks into a poisonous smile.
The girl shudders, realizing that she was caught staring. Only now does she notice that the woman is holding a towel, which in a split second flies straight into her face.
She cries out in surprise catching him, and looks at the brunette in bewilderment.

"What do you want, Zulema"

Ferreiro tries to wrap it around his naked body, but it slips off every now and then. So the girl just squeezes the edges in her hand and tries to behave normally.

Zulema is silent.
Maka becomes even more nervous and furious.


Before the blonde realizes what is happening, a hand wraps around her neck.The woman closes her hands with a ring, from which the blonde wheezes, waving her arms trying to push Zaire away. The woman only presses harder, forcing the girl opposite to turn slightly white, from which her lips involuntarily open. Maka gasps desperately for air as she feels the oppressive sensation disappear and her lungs fill with air. But the girl does not have time to rest for a second, when she feels that her lips meet with Zulema.

The blonde hums in bewilderment and hits the woman on the back, for which she receives a strong slap on the thigh.
Maka groans in surprise and squeezes even more into the wall, realizing that she is trapped. Zulema does not kiss her. She takes what she is supposed to. The brunette bites her lip and grabs her chin, preventing her from dodging.
Ferreiro feels a familiar sensation.
It rolls in waves and crashes between her legs, making her gasp and almost whine as she feels Zulema's tongue connect to hers.
The woman scratches her neck, grabs her hips with her hands, squeezing their bodies suddenly of a friend.
Her yellow uniform is soaked to the skin, but even through this icy fabric, Maka can feel the heat of Zulema's body. Her scent, her warmth, her slightly trembling hands and breathlessness around her neck.
She moans, praying that her voice would be drowned out by the stream of water, and tries to somehow control herself until Zulema enters her with two fingers without warning, forcing Maka to bend in her back with a loud cry on her lips. She was ready for this already when she felt Zahir's fingers on her neck, but now with each new push, a new wave of excitement swept over her. The blonde moans loudly, banging her head against the wall behind and sinking even deeper into the woman's fingers, when she bends them inside her and touch a sensitive point. She is so close to orgasm that the picture in front of her eyes slightly floats, and her body is shaking violently. The blonde pulls Zulema by the hair to see her face. They meet with eyes. The woman looks at her with animal lust, which makes Macarena's legs sway, but she cannot afford to tear herself away from those eyes, watching how Zulema's lips freeze millimeters from hers. Zahir pulls her closer to him, accelerating in ragged movements around her clitoris.

Macarena ends by bringing their lips together.

The brunette can swear that the wild growl that the blonde made almost made her go over the edge.

Several minutes pass before Macarena realizes that he is sitting wrapped in a towel in a woman's arms. She looks at her sleepily, slightly bowing her head and meets the cheerful eyes of the brunette.

"Sorry blonde, but it's time to get back."

Ferreiro mutters something in response, closing his eyes again. She needs a few more seconds to get back to normal. When she opens her eyes again, the warmth next to her disappears, and Zulema stands at the door, as if in indecision. The woman claps her tongue loudly and leaves the shower without looking at the blonde. Ferreiro sighs heavily, rubbing his temples. Something strange is happening. It happened again. Zulema is like a drug she can't get off of. This is beyond her strength. Since that day, in the back room of the kitchen, a woman penetrated her head. Her scent, her voice, her eyes haunt Macarena, although only a few hours have passed since that moment. It's like a vicious circle from which there is no way out. The blonde flinches when she hears the door slam again. This time, Fabio with puppy eyes is standing in front of her. He throws himself on her lap and squeezes her in his arms, kissing her temple.

Something's not right, Macarena thinks once again as she feels a wave of irritation burn through her ribcage. Previously, she would melt from the fact that this is a man behaving this way, but now she just smiles tightly and lets the fuck take her hand.

"What did this fucking whore do to you? Did she touch you?"

Maka shakes her head, closing her eyes for a second.Wild bites on her neck, hot touches to the body and fingers skillfully bringing her to orgasm come to mind, from which the blonde fidgets slightly, feeling the rolling excitement. 

"Everything is fine Fabio, she has nothing to do with it."

"She beat you!"

She must think of Fabio. She must think about the dead family. About her dead child. They all suffered because of Zulema.

"I was the first to start."

Macarena gets up and asks Fabio to turn away. Changing quickly, she allows him to hug her again and lead her to the block.

Freedom.   Zurena | Zulema y Macarena.Where stories live. Discover now